Writing a response paper
Essay Topics Yale School Of Architecutre
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Free Essays on My Fashion
In the course of my life I have worn a wide range of kinds of styles advertisement well as took an interest in a couple of new design patterns. Three styles I took part in were â€Å"dress codes†, â€Å"vintage/preppy†, and â€Å"designer clothing.†Some of the explanations behind changing the manner in which you dress have to do with your condition, environmental factors, and the individuals whom which you partner with. At the point when I was in 6th grade, I moved to a tuition based school. Our clothing standard comprised of a blue polo shirt and khaki jeans or a white polo shirt and blue jeans. We wore this dress since it was what was anticipated from us. I didn’t like the style and thought it was somewhat exhausting, however I did it in light of the fact that my folks made me. I attempted to discover approaches to make this clothing regulation somewhat progressively one of a kind. I would wear a blue belt with my khaki jeans and expectation that perhaps I would hang out in a school of 300 or so kids. Wearing something very similar in school disposed of the opposition. The school didn’t need the children to contend over who was wearing the more pleasant alfit so they made it the equivalent. Now in my life I wasn’t yet a person. I accepted circumstances for what they are and made an effort not to be totally not the same as the various children. I didn’t have the certaint y and security yet to do as such. When you’re a child you need to be life every other person since you don’t need individuals to ridicule y! ou, regardless of whether you feel various children can be exceptionally mean. It’s difficult to have important self-investigation when you are youthful in light of the fact that you are simply attempting to fit in and that it sufficiently hard. At the point when you get a little more seasoned and more secure than you can start the excursion of self-disclosure and make it appear, in methods of garments and haircut, and so on. In a manner I was consistently somewhat not the same as the entirety of my companions. I realized that I would need to figure out how to stand out, yet I didn’t essentially need it to be through dress (at any rate not yet). Tuition based school was in a manner attempting to make everybody look exa... Free Essays on My Fashion Free Essays on My Fashion In the course of my life I have worn a wide range of kinds of styles promotion well as took an interest in a couple of new design patterns. Three styles I partook in were â€Å"dress codes†, â€Å"vintage/preppy†, and â€Å"designer clothing.†Some of the explanations behind changing the manner in which you dress have to do with your condition, environmental factors, and the individuals whom which you partner with. At the point when I was in 6th grade, I moved to a tuition based school. Our clothing regulation comprised of a blue polo shirt and khaki jeans or a white polo shirt and blue jeans. We wore this attire since it was what was anticipated from us. I didn’t like the style and thought it was somewhat exhausting, however I did it on the grounds that my folks made me. I attempted to discover approaches to make this clothing standard somewhat increasingly remarkable. I would wear a blue belt with my khaki jeans and expectation that possibly I would hang out in a school of 300 or so kids. Wearing something very similar in school wiped out the opposition. The school didn’t need the children to contend over who was wearing the more pleasant alfit so they made it the equivalent. Now in my life I wasn’t yet a person. I accepted circumstances for what they are and done whatever it takes not to be totally unique in relation to the various children. I didn’t have the cert ainty and security yet to do as such. When you’re a child you need to be life every other person since you don’t need individuals to ridicule y! ou, regardless of whether you feel various children can be exceptionally mean. It’s difficult to have important self-investigation when you are youthful in light of the fact that you are simply attempting to fit in and that it sufficiently hard. At the point when you get a little more established and more secure than you can start the excursion of self-revelation and make it appear, in methods of garments and haircut, and so forth. In a manner I was consistently somewhat not the same as the entirety of my companions. I realized that I would need to figure out how to stand out, yet I didn’t essentially need it to be through attire (at any rate not yet). Tuition based school was in a manner attempting to make everybody look exa...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Quality Management (2) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Quality Management (2) - Essay Example In the progressive procedure that prompted its possible improvement and milestone achievements, AS needed to deliver the accompanying difficulties to its tasks: In discovering answers for the above issues, AS utilized quality key arranging in connecting its corporate destinations with customers’ needs. Guided by its drawn out vital objectives, AS then altered its hierarchical structure, depending on groups to fuel efficiency. Administrative help, sound motivation programs, and a general partnership culture of data sharing and incorporation has made AS prevail as a model in TQM application. Complete Quality Management was officially presented in the post-war period by W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M .Juran and Philip B. Crosby, with the speculations they set up on the board for quality in assembling frameworks. From that point forward the precepts of TQM have been embraced for application in administrations and business activities. Organizations have met with either achievement or disappointment, contingent upon the way they have consolidated these standards in their procedures. For the reasons for this investigation, spotlight will be drawn on Boeing Aerospace Support, a huge worldwide association which, regardless of its size, multifaceted nature, and item detail, has kept on serving its clients well, keep up brilliant worker inspiration, and appreciate a dynamically powerful exhibition. Boeing Aerospace Support (otherwise called AS) is an auxiliary of the Boeing Company, which thusly is the biggest aviation organization on the planet. Boeing Aerospace gives items and administrations, among them airplane upkeep, adjustment and fix. It additionally attempts preparing for aircrews and support staff, in an offer to lessen life-cycle costs and improve the adequacy and wellbeing of their airplane. A gigantic part †ninety-seven percent †of Aerospace’s business is for military clients. The organization has a workforce of 13,000 representatives; it has its central command in St. Louis,
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Can I Send Supporting Documents to be Included with my Application COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Can I Send Supporting Documents to be Included with my Application COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Some applicants have contacted our office and asked how they may submit supplementary materials with their application. At SIPA we only include the materials we ask for on the application site when we forward a file to the Admissions Committee. We therefore do not accept supplementary materials such as writing samples from applicants. There are two main reasons for this. First, we wish to be fair to all applicants. To use a common expression, the Committee wishes to “compare apples to apples.†If we allowed one applicant to include supplemental materials it would not be fair to the rest of the applicant pool. In evaluating applicants it is important that each applicant be judged upon the same criteria. Second, the Committee must read several thousand applications in approximately a six week period and we are confident that we can do so based upon the current materials we require from applicants. Although an applicant may wish to include a writing sample or a copy of a thesis completed at the undergraduate level, perhaps copies of certificates earned, or achievements noted in publications of some sort, the Committee simply would not have the time to read and/or review such materials. While the Committee does not allow for the submission of supplementary materials, there is a way for applicants to inform the Committee of personal achievements. Instead of sending in full copies of supplemental materials to note personal achievements, applicants may include such information in the résumé/CV. At SIPA we are not concerned with the length of your résumé/CV. This document may be as long as you believe is necessary to summarize your qualifications for our program. Applicants should also not feel pressure to conform to typical résumé/CV standards that might be associated with applying for a job. When applying for a job it is common to limit your résumé to a page or two â€" but when applying for graduate school the process is different and the typical résumé we review is three to four pages in length. The résumé/CV may include whatever information you feel is important to informing the Committee of your qualifications as well as circumstances that may have impacted your academic or professional record. For example, let us say that an applicant suffered a serious illness while completing their undergraduate degree and dealing with the illness impacted academic performance. This is something that could be noted in the résumé/CV in a section labeled “Miscellaneous Academic Information.†Or perhaps an applicant is particularly proud of their undergraduate thesis maybe the applicant won an award or was invited to a conference to present their thesis. While we will not accept a thesis to forward to the Committee for evaluation, an applicant would be welcome to briefly summarize their thesis and any associated awards or recognition in the résumé/CV. So while the application process at SIPA does not allow applicants to submit supplemental materials, you may exercise discretion by including information that you feel is pertinent for the Committee to be aware of in the required résumé/CV.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Washington College Admissions and Acceptance Rate
Only around half of those who apply to Washington College are accepted. Learn more about the admissions requirements and what it takes to go to this college. About Washington College Founded in 1782 under the patronage of George Washington, Washington College has a long and rich history. The college was recently awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for its many strengths in the liberal arts and sciences. The Center for Environment Society, the C. V. Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience, and the Rose O’Neill Literary House are all valuable resources for supporting undergraduate education. Popular majors include Business Administration, Economics, English, Biology, and Psychology. Washington Colleges location in scenic Chestertown, Maryland, provides students with opportunities to explore the Chesapeake Bay watershed and the Chester River. On the athletic front, the Washington College Shoremen and Shorewomen compete in the NCAA Division III Centennial Conference. The college fields seven mens and nine womens varsity sports. Popular sports include basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis, and rowing. The college also has a co-ed sailing team. Admissions Data (2016) Washington College Acceptance Rate: 49 percentWashington College has test-optional admissionsGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Washington CollegeWhat these SAT numbers meanTop Maryland colleges SAT comparisonWhat these ACT numbers meanTop Maryland colleges ACT comparison Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 1,479 (all undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 44 percent Male / 56 percent Female99 percent Full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $43,842Books: $850 (why so much?)Room and Board: $10,824Other Expenses: $2,990Total Cost: $58,506 Washington College Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 98 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 98 percentLoans: 62 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $25,533Loans: $7,671 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business Administration, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Environmental Studies Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 70 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 73 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Lacrosse, Soccer, Rowing, Baseball, Basketball, Swimming, TennisWomens Sports: Volleyball, Swimming, Soccer, Tennis, Softball, Rowing, Basketball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey Washington College and the Common Application Washington College uses the Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples If You Like Washington College, You May Also Like These Schools University of Delaware: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTowson University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGoucher College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAmerican University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDrexel University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTemple University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHood College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphJohns Hopkins University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphStevenson University: Profile Georgetown University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUrsinus College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Washington College Mission Statement mission statement from http://www.washcoll.edu/about/our-mission.php Washington College challenges and inspires emerging citizen leaders to discover lives of purpose and passion. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Monday, May 11, 2020
How to Grow Salt Crystals
Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is a crystal (a symmetrical solid substance made entirely of the same material). You can see the shape of a salt crystal under a microscope, and you can grow your own salt crystals for fun or for a science fair. Growing salt crystals is fun and easy; the ingredients are right in your kitchen, the crystals are non-toxic, and no special equipment is required. How to Grow Salt Crystals It takes very little work to start the process of growing salt crystals, though you will need to wait a few hours or days to see the results, depending on the method you use. No matter which method you try, youll need to use a hot stove and boiling water, so adult supervision is advised. Salt Crystal Materials table salt (sodium chloride)waterclean clear containera piece of cardboard (optional)string and pencil or butter knife (optional) Procedures Stir salt into boiling hot water until no more salt will dissolve (crystals start to appear at the bottom of the container). Be sure the water is as close to boiling as possible. Hot tap water is not sufficient for making the solution. Quick Crystals: If you want crystals quickly, you can soak a piece of cardboard in this supersaturated salt solution. Once it is soggy, place it on a plate or pan and set it in a warm and sunny location to dry out. Numerous small salt crystals will form. Perfect Crystals: If you are trying to form a larger, perfect cubic crystal, you will want to make a seed crystal. To grow a big crystal from a seed crystal, carefully pour the supersaturated salt solution into a clean container (so no undissolved salt gets in), allow the solution to cool, then hang the seed crystal in the solution from a pencil or knife placed across the top of the container. You could cover the container with a coffee filter if you like. Set the container in a location where it can remain undisturbed. You are more likely to get a perfect crystal instead of a mass of crystals if you allow the crystal to grow slowly (cooler temperature, shaded location) in a place free of vibrations. Tips for Success Experiment with different types of table salt. Try iodized salt, un-iodized salt, sea salt, or even salt substitutes. Try using different types of water, such as tap water compared with distilled water. See if there is any difference in the appearance of the crystals.If you are trying for the perfect crystal use un-iodized salt and distilled water. Impurities in either the salt or water can aid dislocation, where new crystals dont stack perfectly on top of previous crystals.The solubility of table salt (or any kind of salt) increases greatly with temperature. Youll get the quickest results if you start with a saturated saline solution, which means you want to dissolve salt in the hottest water available. One trick to increase the amount of salt you can dissolve is to microwave the salt solution. Stir in more salt until it stops dissolving and starts to accumulate at the bottom of the container. Use the clear liquid to grow your crystals. You can filter out the solids using a coffee f ilter or paper towel.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ketamine Pain Mechanism Free Essays
Pain is communicated from the brain to other parts of the body by the CNS (Central Nervous System) and nerve endings. (Mayer, Mao, Holt, Price, 7731-7736) The ligand-gated ion channels, also referred to as LGICs, or ionotropic receptors, are a group of intrinsic transmembrane ion channels that are opened in response to binding of a chemical messenger. (Collingridge, Singer, 290-296) (Dickenson, 307-309) (Dickenson, Chapman, Green, 633-638) The ion channel is regulated by a neurotransmitter ligand that is very selective to one or more ions like potassium, sodium, calcium, and chloride. We will write a custom essay sample on Ketamine Pain Mechanism or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell, 178-180) Such receptors located at synapses converting the chemical signal to an electric signal in the post-synaptic cell. (Connolly, Wafford, 529-534) The NMDA receptor (N-methyl-D-aspartate) is such an ionotropic receptor for glutamate. (Dingledine, Borges, Bowie, Traynelis, 7-61) (Lodge, Johnson, 81-86) (Meller, 435-436)  By X-ray crystallography, the NMDA receptors have an heterodimer subunits, which are involved in the binding of agonists and antagonists like Ketamine. (Hirota, Lambert, 441-444) This channel complex contributes to excitatory synaptic transmission at sites throughout the brain and the spinal cord, and is modulated by a number of endogenous and exogenous compounds. (Rabben, Skljelbred, Oye, 1060-1066)  NMDA receptors play a key role in a wide range of physiologic and pathologic processes. (Hoffman, Coppejans, Vercauteren, Adriemsen, 240-242) (Klepstadt, Maurset, Moberg, Oye, 513-518) (Coderre, Katz, Vaccarino, Melzack, 259-285) Ketamine is primarily a non-competitive antagonist, which opens in response to binding of glutamate. This NMDA receptor mediates the reduction of pain effects of ketamine at low doses. (Lofwall, Griffiths, Mintzer, 439-449) Evidence for this is reinforced by the fact that naxolone, an opioid antagonist, does not reverse the analgesia. Studies also seem to indicate that ketamine is ‘use dependent’ meaning it only initiates its blocking action once a glutamate binds to the NMDA receptor. (Sorensen, Bengtsson, Ahlner, Henriksson, Ekselius et al., 1615-1621)  At high level doses, ketamine has also been found to bind to opioid mu receptors and sigma receptors. Thus, loss of consciousness that occurs may be partially due to binding at the opioid mu and sigma receptors. (Lonnqvist, Norton, 617-621) (Menigaux, Fletcher, Dupont, Guignard, Guirimand, et al. 129-135) (Koppert, Sittl, Scheuber, Alsheimer, Schmelz, 152-159) (Bushell, Endoh, Simen, Ren, Bindokas, 55-64) Works Cited Mayer DJ, Mao J, Holt J, Price DD. Cellular Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain, Morphin Tolerance, and their Interactions. Proc. Natl Acac. Sci. USA. 1999, 96(14): 7731-7736. Collingridge G, Singer W. Excitatory Amino Acid Receptors and Synaptic Plasticity. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 1990 11: 290-296. Dickenson AH. A cure for wind-up: NMDA receptor antagonists as potential analgesics. Trends Pharmacol Sci 1990 11: 307-309 Dickenson AH, Chapman V and Green GM. The pharmacology of excitatory and inhibitory amino acid-mediated events in the transmission and modulation of pain in the spinal cord. Gen Pharmacol 1997 28: 633-638 Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM. Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill: New York, (2000), pp.178-180 Connolly CN, Wafford KA. The Cys-Loop Superfamily of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels – the Impact of Receptor Structure on Function. Biochemical Society Transactions (2004) Vol. 32: 529-534. Dingledine R, Borges K, Bowie D, Taynelis SF. The Glutamate Receptors Ion Channels. Pharmacology Reviews, 1999 51(1): 7-61 Lodge D and Johnson KM. Non-Competitive Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists. Trends Pharmacol Sci 1990 11: 81-86 Meller ST. Ketamine: Relief from Chronic Pain through Actions at the NMDA Receptor? Pain  1996 68: 435-436 Hirota K, Lambert DG. Ketamine: Its Mechanism (s) of Action and its Unusual Clinical Uses. Br. J. Anesth. 1996, 77(4):441-444. Rabben T, Skjelbred P, Oye I. Prolonged Analgesic Effects of Ketamine, an N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Inhibitor, in Patients with Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Pharmaceutics. 1999, 289(2):1060-1066. Hoffmann V, Coppejans H, Vercauteren M and Adriaemsen H Successful Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia with Oral Ketamine. 1994 Clin J Pain 10: 240-242 Klepstad P, Maurset A, Moberg ER and Oye I Evidence for a Role for NMDA Receptors in Pain Perception. Eur J Pharmacol  1990 187: 513-518 Coderre TJ, Katz J, Vaccarino AL and Melzack R. Contribution of Central Neuroplasticity to Pathological Pain: A Review of Clinical and Experimental Evidence. 1993 Pain 52: 259-285. Lofwall MR, Griffiths RR, Mintzer MZ. Cognitive and Subjective Acute Dose Effects of Intramuscular Ketamine in Healthy Adults. Ex. Clin. Psychopharmacol. (2006), 14(4):439-449 Sorensen J, Bengtsson A, Ahlner J, Henriksson KG, Ekselius L and Bengtsson M.  Fibromyalgia. Are there different mechanisms in the processing of pain? A double Blind Crossover Comparison of analgesic Drugs. 1997 J Rheumatol 24: 1615-1621 Lonnqvist PA, Norton NS. Pediatric Day-Case Anesthesia and Pain Control. Curr. Opin. Anaest. (2006), 19(6): 617-621. Menigaux C, Fletcher D, Dupont X, Guignard B, Guirimand F, Chauvin M. The Benefits of Intraoperative Small-Dose Ketamine on Postoperative Pain after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair. Anesth. Analg. 2000 90(1): 129-135 Koppert W, Sittl R, Scheuber K,Alsheimer M, Schmeltz M, Schuttler J. Differential Modulation of Remifentanil-Induced Analgesia and Post-Infusion Hyperalgesia by S-Ketamine and Clonidine in Humans. Anesthesiology. 2003, 99(1): 152-159. Bushell T, Endoh T, Simen AA, Ren D, Bindokas VP, Miller RJ. Molecular Components of Tolerance to Opiates In Single Hippocampal Neurons. Mol. Pharmacol. 2002, 61(1): 55-64. How to cite Ketamine Pain Mechanism, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Questions To Ask On A College Tour
How can the summer already becoming to an end so soon? If you still haven’t gone on your college tour yet, now is the time! Campus tours are colleges’ best tool to show off what their institution can offer to prospective students. If you’re able to attend a few, you’ll be able to get a good feel of what each school can offer you, what the campus culture is like, and whether or not you will fit in. In particular, you have the unique opportunity to directly ask the college or its representatives (tour guides, students, etc) questions that may be hard to answer otherwise. The key to a good college tour is asking the right questions to get a discussion rolling: 1. Academics How much homework do students typically have? What’s the teacher to student ratio? How about average class size? These questions will help you gauge if a school is right for you by helping you compare its classes to your past experiences, and the academic atmosphere you strive best in. For example, if you’ve been looking for a more rigorous academic environment than the one you had in high school, a college that offers smaller, more intensive classes may be for you. However, if you’re looking for something a little more independent, a school with larger classes with more flexibility may be a better fit. 2. Research and Internship Opportunities What opportunities exist for undergraduate research? How many students at the college get internships, and how do they get them? What kinds of student services, like career services or tutoring, are offered here? These questions will help determine whether or not your time outside of class would be well-spent at a given school. For example, if you’re really invested in participating in research programs for a given subject, find out if the school you’re visiting offers it. On the other hand, if you’re looking to get an internship, ask the campus tour guides and students on campus how accessible that is, especially if the school’s not located in or in proximity to a city. 3. Student Life What campus housing options are there? What clubs and activities are available to students? What local attractions are there for students? You need to know whether or not you would be comfortable not only attending the school, but becoming a resident of the area. Figuring out whether campus housing meets your needs is pretty importantafter all, you may be signing up to live on campus at the school you’re touring for the next four years! Checking out the social opportunities is worthwhile tooremember, college is where you’ll forge some of the best relationships of your life! These are just a few of the questions you could pose to college tour guides or students; however, don’t hesitate to come up with questions of your own regarding things that matter to you, whether it be financial aid, graduation statistics, athletics, or anything you can think of. Good luck, and happy touring! Choosing where to go to college is an incredibly important decision. Make an informed choice by talking to current students on ourmentorship platform. Access 60,000+ successfulcollege application filesuploaded by college students (they get paid when you view them). is a community of students helping students. Our goal is to bring much-needed transparency to higher education.
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