Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Rules of Debit and Credit Essay Example
Essays on The Rules of Debit and Credit Essay The paper "The Rules of Debit and Credit" is an outstanding example of an essay on accounting. The rules of debit and credit as applied to various accounts in financial accounting are specific. Each transaction in a particular account is recorded twice according to financial accounting rules. The different accounts in financial accounting are assets account, liabilities accounts, owner’s equity account, revenues account, and expense account. In financial accounting, the debit and credit are positioned on the left and ride sides of the financial statement. In the case of assets accounts, an increase in the asset is recorded on the left-hand side whereas the decrease in asset comes on the right side. For example, a purchase of machinery is recorded on the left and the sale of machinery is shown on the rights hand side of the financial statement.In the case of liabilities accounts, an increase in liability will be posted on the credit side and decrease is recorded on the debit si de. if an organization has accounts payable then it will be recorded on the credit side while accounts receivables recorded on the debit side. The owner’s equity account is an owner’s capital account where the increase and decrease in the owner’s profitability are projected. Here a purchase of assets will be posted on the debit side whereas the sale of an asset comes on credit side. In the case of revenue account, an increase in an asset is debited while a decrease in the asset is credited. In expense account, the salary paid to employees will be credited and interest received will be debited. So every transaction is balanced out by recording them on the debit and credit side of an account.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Firework Problems for Math Free Essays
Fireworks – The Problems July 7, 2008 On the 4th of July, Vanessa watched the local fireworks with her family from their front lawn. Once the fireworks began, Vanessa’s mom said, â€Å"Wow we are really lucky that our view isn’t blocked – the bottoms of MOST of the fireworks appear right at the top of that 50 foot oak tree. †If Vanessa was 100 feet from the oak tree and 1500 feet away from the fireworks launch site, how many feet off the ground were the bottoms of MOST of the fireworks? Disregard Vanessa’s height. We will write a custom essay sample on Firework Problems for Math or any similar topic only for you Order Now [pic] James’ family always puts on a big fireworks display every 4th of July. This year James got to pick out a few that were used. He decided on two 6-packs of Roman Candles, one Morton’s Mortar Kit and one Emerald City. If sales tax was 5%, based on the prices below how much change did James get back when he gave the cashier $45. 00? Express your answer in dollars and cents to the nearest cent. Roman Candles – $6. 99/ 6-pack Bottle Rockets – $7. 99/ pack Sparklers – $9. 99/ box Ground Flowers – $9. 99 Morton’s Mortar Kit – $9. 99/ kit EmeraldCity – $14. 99/ each Rain of Fire – $29. 99/ each New Yorker Salute Finale – $79. 99/ each [pic] Magda had a 4th of July party at her house. Her favorite lemonade recipe calls for 1 cup of lemon juice for every 4. 5 cups of water. If Magda followed the recipe and made 33 cups of lemonade, how many cups of lemon juice did she use? How to cite Firework Problems for Math, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My Favorite Character free essay sample
Who is Your Favorite Character and Why? October 7, 2010 My favorite character from the novel These Boots Are Made for Stalking by Lisi Harrison is Massie Block. Massie is a fun, fashionable, and sometimes feisty friend. But at the end of the day she is always having fun whether with bean her lovable dog, Kendra and William, her parents, and The Pretty Committee, her infamous group of friends that include Claire, her guest house roommate, Alicia, Massie’s Fannish(fake Spanish. BFF, Dylan, a bodacious redhead with tons of attitude and a big appetite to complete it, and finally Kristen, a sports fanatic who can totally bend anything like Beckham. Massie Block is a very appearance inspired person. She loves the flashy names of fashion like Marc Jacobs, Juicy Couture, Coach, Prada, and Louis Vitton. After school Massie and the PC (Pretty Committee) take long trips in the luxurious Range Rover compliments of Massie’s parents, to the Big Apple City for endless hours of shoppin g, dining, and hanging out. We will write a custom essay sample on My Favorite Character or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Massie has never been cheap with her money she is never against helping out a friend if they ever forgot their Visa. The PC has many emergency cards in case. With an all-white room and an even whiter pup Massie is always on top of things. Homework has never been passed in later than a day, nor has extra credit never been attempted. Bean is a dog Massie got for her 5th birthday as a gift from her parents, she has been training Bean with hard work, dedication, and dog treats. Bean has never let her down. Bean has graduated from Westchester Obedience School as the A+ student and that’s all thanks to Massie’s loving nature for dogs and fun. Being a great friend is another one of Massie’s great sides. If a friend was ever in need of a rare Prada bag but no cash, Massie was the first one to lend a helping hand, and a helping AmEx. At one of Massie’s Friday Night Sleepovers Kristen revealed that she wasn’t as rich as they thought she was, but really she lived in the Brickview Apartments next to the Matador Condos. Massie quickly came to the rescue, and instead of beating her down with money jokes and gossip, she told Kristen that she loved her not for her money but for the girl holding the wallet. And from that day forth the PC gave Kristen designer hand me downs and unlimited shopping, expenses on them. Whenever sitting in the Range Rover or a Friday Night Sleepover Massie has tons of exclusive PC games made up for them. Gossip Points are a fun way to get the inside scoop and to get points which is great because it’s something to look forward to at the end of the school day. When school is over, Massie and the rest of the girls get to the Range Rover and start in on the gossip and their points, each girl tries to outnumber one another’s point score to get the highest points that day! Winner gets to choose which store at the mall they all go to first. Would You Rather: Designer Edition is another game Massie created for the PC only, it’s a fun way to get to each other’s personal style and just a fun little game to play with your girls! Would You Rather Wear Gap jeans for 5 years or Salvation Army hand me downs for 2 years Overall, Massie Block is an amazing friend and an even greater alpha, LEADER. What kind of best friend would give you free rides to, from, and anywhere else in a luxurious Range Rover? What kind of buddy would take months trying to create a game that has your two favorite things, gossip and shopping? What kind of BFF would EVER have sleepovers every Friday night and order the finest and your favorites just so you feel at home and at rest!!! HUH? Exactly. No one would ever go through that much trouble but your mom or dad, but that’s not what Massie is, she is a friend, a great one.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
This Be the Verse Commentary Essay Example
This Be the Verse Commentary Paper In Philip Larkins poem, This Be the Verse, he uses strong language to get across his message of that no one should have children. The title already gives hints to the attitude of this poem. The title This Be the Verse sounds like the Larkin is stating that this is the guide that we should all live by. Specifically, verse gives off a very biblical feeling making it sound official and used by people centuries ago. Also the defined article the before verse adds seriousness to the title. As for the form, from the first stanza it is already evident that there is an alternating rhyme scheme and that each stanza has four lines. In addition, the stanzas are short and simple which makes it very child like. Larkin perhaps made them short in order to get his message across to the reader. If there is more text, the message would not be as clear and easy to find like in this poem. The first line of this poem, starts out with an altered syntax. It sounds as if Larkin is starting in the middle of his thoughts and just wrote it on the piece of paper without much thought. We will write a custom essay sample on This Be the Verse Commentary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on This Be the Verse Commentary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on This Be the Verse Commentary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition he uses a swear word. This immediately grabs the attention of the reader. Depending on the type of reader, some may think that this is offence that he is using such language, however, others may think that he is revolutionary for using the work in something sophisticated like a poem. The word they is repeated five times in this poem for describing the parent. By using the word they, instead of your parents, it makes the parents sound disconnected and that there are two sides you and them. However, in the next line he states And add some extra, just for you which sounds like an adult talking to a small child. In this first stanza there are phrases that juxtaposition themselves. The first stanza has a clear message that parent have a negative effect on their children, however, the next stanza this perspective changes. In the second stanza imagery is used to show the generation divide your parents and you. It makes it sound like this process is an ongoing cycle. To add to this effect the stanza is also one sentence, which is similar to how the cycle never ends. Since the attitude of this stanza is different than the last, Larkin used the word but to change his perspective to that its not all your parents fault because they were influenced negatively by their own parents. This relieves the mitigating circumstances for the parents. Same as the last stanza, the word fuck is used allowing the reader to think that it is exactly same situation for the parents. The third stanza of this poem puts the cycle into a larger perspective. It is as if the poet is now zooming out of the image he has set up in the last two stanzas. He uses metaphors that are much more general for example man hands on misery to man and it depends like a coastal shelf. The first metaphor sounds as if with in the misery is being passed on in phase, because the m sound is repeated. The other metaphor shows how his idea is even seen in the natural world. The last line of this poem is clear and concise. Since it is in present tense, makes it sound that Larkin is telling you orders. Although there is clear evidence that Larkin has a negative attitude to parenthood his message develops and changes perspectives throughout the poem. The reason why he might have written this poem is because he was angry at his parents but as his anger cools down and he looks at the big picture. Then by the last stanza he takes the entire cycle into perspective and notices that even in society and nature this pattern is found. His message, for the reader, depends on who is reading it. For parents, they might feel offended because it is a shock for someone to tell them that they are not good parents. Younger people, who are not parents yet, would find this poem humorous but they also might feel sympathy for the parents because of what they have been through. I do not believe that this is truly how Larkin feels about his parents and the cycle but this was just a time in his life where he felt this way and wanted to express it. I do not believe he is serious because of his several uses of black humor. For example, who fools in old-style hats and coats, everyone has respect for their grandparents and he just means it in a humorous way. Larkins form and organization was great importance to achieving his message that the only way to stop this cycle is to not have children.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tao of Pooh Start Essay Example
Tao of Pooh Start Essay Example Tao of Pooh Start Paper Tao of Pooh Start Paper The Tao of Pooh Essay In The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff, the author is explaining Taoism to people who do not know what it is, using a classic childhood story, Winnie the Pooh. Hoff observes every character from the childhood story and finding Pooh to be the best for all. The main and first thing talked about in the story is what Taoism believes as the uncarved block, Hoff which then says it is everything in its simplest form. Pooh represents the uncarved block because he in his self is simplistic. Pooh is always calm, and relaxed nd doesnt stress about anything, well except his honey of course. The concept of Wu Wei is a major concept in the book, where there is no struggle to doing something, for example you dont but the round peg in the square hole, or vice versa, because it is to put the round peg in the round hole. Wu Wei doesnt try, it Just does. One of the first major ideas in The Tao of Pooh is the uncarved block. When talking about the uncarved block, Pooh is the best example, and character chosen to be described, and describe the uncarved block. The uncarved block is everything being in its simplest form, and within simplicity has its own power. pooh is used to describe the uncarved block because he is simple. Pooh doesnt worry about much of anything, he doesnt over think, and he simple minded. Rabbit is used as the opposite as the uncarved block because he is always running around and is very busy because thats who he is. Expressing this is showing you miss many things in life being busy and trying to rush everything. With the topic of Rabbit, it shows how not to life live. As Pooh is The Uncarved Block, Rabbit is the exact opposite, which is the opposite of The Uncarved Block. Hoff is basically telling us doing as Rabbit does is not the way to live life. Rabbit is always rushing around and not taking the time to enjoy life. He is too busy trying to rush and missing so many things and opportunities and not taking any time for himself. Missing out on the little things in life can cause unhappiness and regret. Regret and Unhappiness is not what is suppose to happen in Taoism, because of the uncarved block. Tao of Pooh Start By kegger13
Friday, November 22, 2019
Press Release September 2nd 2014 †Launch of Freelancer Profiles
Press Release September 2nd 2014 – Launch of Freelancer Profiles Press Release: September 2nd 2014 – Launch of Freelancer Profiles LONDON - 2/9/2014Self-publishing startup Reedsy officially launches today! Reedsy is excited to release to the public the first version of its website, progressively inviting editors and designers to join their marketplace over the course of the next 48 hours.Increasingly, authors are realising that publishing professionals don’t just work at the big publishing houses. This is what is making quality self-publishing possible. But where can authors find them? How do they know who they’re working with?That’s where Reedsy comes in. It helps authors collaborate with expert editors, book designers, marketers and translators to take their books to another level. Reedsy will only work with certified, industry-experienced freelancers so authors can find the best partners for their project.Reedsy will start by opening its marketplace to editors and book designers, the services no author can go without. Freelancers who are invited to the beta can sign up and create beautifu l profile pages. They can display the books they’ve worked on, the professional associations they belong to, and talk about the types of projects they’re looking to take on. Reedsy will be the first curated marketplace for publishing freelancers of its kind.But Reedsy’s founders’ vision is even more ambitious. â€Å"Reedsy will be an author’s secret weapon,†said Ricardo Fayet, one of the company’s co-founders. â€Å"Authors, whether they’re self-published or traditionally published, are only as good as the people they work with. Being a great writer is just one part of succeeding as an independent,†Ricardo said. â€Å"In a few weeks, we will be opening to authors, and letting them connect with our network of freelancers.†In time, authors will be able to use Reedsy as one place from which to manage every step of the publishing process. â€Å"We are working on a purpose-built eBook editor to make author-editor co llaboration easier than ever,†says Emmanuel Nataf.â€Å"It’s time to shake things up in the publishing industry. We want to combine the high standards of traditional publishing and the freedom and author-driven creativity of self-publishing. We want to take the ‘self’ out of self-publishing†concluded Emmanuel.Reedsy was founded by Emmanuel Nataf, Ricardo Fayet, Matthew Cobb, and Vincent Durant in 2014. They work from IDEALondon in Shoreditch, London. In May they joined Seedcamp, Europe’s top accelerator, and are financially backed by Seedcamp and Scottish publisher DC Thomson. They have previously been covered by Techcrunch and ShakeupTV.For more information contact Ricardo Fayet at ricardo@reedsy.com, or on +447957074543
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Employee motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Employee motivation - Essay Example Making an employee feel that they are working towards a better result for themselves and the company, is the best way for an organization to initiate motivation among their work force and offer the best results in relation to the productivity that the company is able to achieve. Though the issue of employee motivation involves the entire organization as a whole, the main people who are involved in ensuring that this motivation exists are the individuals in management positions. This is because they are the ones who deal directly with the different sections of the work force and thus are in an advantageous position to better understand the employees and what it will take to sufficiently motivate them to work harder (Allen & Heidi, 2011). The managers in the company are also in a sense directly responsible for the attitude that employees will have towards the organization as they are deemed to be the representatives of the company. Thus, their treatment of their subordinates technically reflects how the company views their employees (Jon & Paul, 2009). This means that if the employees are mistreated on a frequent basis or are simply treated with callousness by their superiors, they will automatically assume that the company does not care about them. This is n ot concerned about their wellbeing despite the fact that the employees of higher positions may not even be informed of what is going on within the lower ranks as they may have put their trust on those appointed to take care of the work force and see no need for vigorous supervision of their activities. However, ignorance has still no excuse for the poor treatment of a company’s work force. It is the organization’s duty to ensure that their employees’ morale remains high and should track their attitude and level of motivation on a frequent basis to ensure that this goal is not only achieved, but maintained (Jon & Paul, 2009). This can be done by concentrating on
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Beauty - Essay Example Against this backdrop, this essay intends to demonstrate deep thought on the idea of ‘beauty.’ More often, the idea of beauty is often related to peoples’ physique. Women in the modern day often desire to look beautiful. Identifiably, they often engage in conducting varied sorts of activities with the purpose of looking more attractive. However, the idea of beauty is not limited to peoples’ physique. In contrast, some people would perceive the idea of beauty more than outer appearances. In this regard, beauty can be ugly and sadness as well. In this respect, it can be quoted that â€Å"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.†Notably, everything has its own beauty but the differences lie how an individual perceive things. Beauty can be categorized as combination of numerous factors. Notably, in humans, beauty can be duly considered as the combination of goodness and confidence. Although it is not essential for every individual to have positive or negative conceptions regarding beauty, rather the perceptions of the people regarding beauty can vary. For in stance, an individual may perceive the seven colors in the rainbow to be beautiful, while others may have the opposite viewpoint. In certain circumstances, an individual may compare one individual with another or one object with another in order to judge beauty. A few individual may involve extensive analysis of an individual or an object based on which they may develop the idea of beauty. It is worth mentioning that people often tend to relate the idea of beauty with attractiveness. Although it can be stated that one may find a particular person or an object to be attractive, the same person may not relate it with beauty. Thus, it depends on inimitable characteristics, desires, and beliefs of an individual that influences their perceptions to decide what is beautiful. Notwithstanding, everything in this
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Tom Stoppards Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead Essay Example for Free
Tom Stoppards Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead Essay The playwrights Hamlet composed by William Shakespear and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern composed by Tom Stoppard both explore the ideas of appearance versus reality and the puzzling theme of fate and destiny. Both composers employ various techniques related to their specific mediums to convey the misconception that we have control over life. They reflect their composers theme of transformation, which helps to illuminate the difference between deceptive characters and self-deception. Hamlet was published during the Elizabethan era around 1603 in England. The society of the time was very structured with the head of society being the monarchy and strong evidence of a class system. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern was first published in 1966 and pre formed in The national Theatre in 1967. The play is a contemporary comedy classic, which was influenced greatly by the era in which it was written. The freedom and openness of the sixties enhanced and added a philosophical angle to the play. The introduction of both texts is different, Hamlet starts on a serious note of his fathers death while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern starts with a rhetorical question about life. The plays also differ on the language that is used as within Hamlet there is much rhymed verse and formal prose however in Rosencrantz and Guilderstern there is alot of comical interplay between the characters coupled with colloquial language intersecting with Hamlet. In comparing the two texts both contain the theme of death and the way that it contrasts life. Although both texts contain the same theme it is dealt with differently in both plays. In Hamlet, Hamlet has an underlying fear of death, although he considers suicide as a release from his pain. His fear comes from the fact that death is unknown to him and that his father is trapped in purgatory for his sins. This belief in purgatory reflects the strong religious beliefs of the time. However in Rosencrantz an Guildenstern they take a comical look at death using the analogy of life in a box or as a blank eternity Hey you in there get out, whats your name? In both plays there is a common theme of fate and that fate controls our lives and it is a misconception that we control our own lives. While in Hamlet, Hamlet believes that he is in control of his life and that there is a god, on the other hand Rosencrantz and Guildenstern believe firmly that there is no god and that fate is in control and will lead us on our predestined path. Ros do you believe in god? Well, no I cant say that I do. This also reflects the values of the time as in the sixties there was much freedom of ideas and differences were accepting, voicing the idea that god was a misconception in the Elizabethan era would have been unheard of. However with Stoppard writing in the sixties it was an idea that could be freely raised. Both plays also explore the theme of the nature of man where the responded is questioned on whether or not Rosencrantz and Guildenstern live in a world that is better or worse than Hamlets. Stoppard portrays the world that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern live in as a darker one than of Hamlet. The world of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern has much emphasis placed on the violence that exists in their world The Player who recognises R and G as fellow artists makes the most telling comments on the nature of the world and the people that inhabit it. I cant do your love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory theyre all blood, you see. The players specialising in deaths for all occasions embodies the essentially violent nature of the world, which Stoppard reflects. The tragedians represent the decadent moral values of the world that Stoppard sees around. They are willing to prostitute themselves literally and figuratively, for a coin. The Player holds the sheer greed of these characters in check as they scramble for a coin thrown down by Rosencrantz. The player points out that even a single coin has music in it. The repertoire of Tragedians is full of death and human depravity, a repertoire which the Player candidly points out reflects the interests of their audience. The Player suggests that this debasement of society has been going on for a long time in the statement Dont clap to loud its a very Old World. When looking at Shakespears Hamlet in the light of the world that Stoppard describes, we see that despite the amount of death and loss in Hamlet, the characters are very different to R and G. In Hamlet, Hamlet despite his grief and anguish is still able to exclaim What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties in action how like an angel. Shakespear presents an idealistic and romantic view that directly contrasts the ideas of Stoppard who believes that Hamlet is governed by his own primal urges. Another contrast is in Hamlet, while the characters are in the throes of treachery and death they retain their sense of nobility. Laertes after saying he is justly killed by his own treachery asks Hamlet to exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet. Hamlets reply is similarly brave and generous Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee. Thus despite the tragic nature of the play, Hamlet possesses many positives, particularly concerning mans finer qualities, which are brought out, albeit tragically, at the end. Therefore as we move to consider the relationship between texts, we see that they propose quite different views of mans worth, each forcing us to consider whether the other is the more true to reality. Another theme that that both plays also explore is the idea of freedoms and constraints, this is shown by Stoppard in the way that chaos surrounds R and G and represents a more complex, at least morally and socially, life than in Hamlets time. Hamlet lived within a clearly defined moral order, people lived their lives according to clearly defined rules and social hierarchy. The great historical events of the 20th century had caused great social upheaval, new ways of death and destruction had been invented, it was these uncertainties that affected Stoppards work and it is these ideas that he captured and contrasted with Hamlets certainties. Stoppard takes the approach of showing that the characters in his text have no choice and their actions are predetermined such as stated by the player when referring to destiny It is written where as Shakespears Hamlets characters make choices depending on circumstances and probable reactions. Stoppards characters are actors. Shakespears characters are people. In Stoppards work we are reminded of R and Gs limitations because he intends for us to see them as helpless and innocent. The characters lack of memory, their inability to make decisions that can be acted upon and the symbolism of the boats restrictions are all ways that Stoppard does this. Stoppard wants the responder to see that Times being what they are, people are exploited, used and have little control over there lives and actions even through they believe they do and seem to. The importance of Stoppards work is that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are limited because they are actors that follow a script. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are in this way symbolically helpless to choose and change anything, this is why the responder is continually reminded they are watching a play. These ideas contrast Hamlet in the way they ask the responder to consider how little control we have over our lives and whether or not this has changed from Hamlets ordered world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Edwin Morgans Opening the Cage :: Morgan Opening the Cage Essays
Edwin Morgan's Opening the Cage The poem "Opening the Cage," by Edwin Morgan, is based on a quote taken from John Cage. Cage said, "I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry." Cage's quote contains fourteen words which are rearranged fourteen times by the poet to create a fourteen line sonnet. At first glance, the poem may seem to be random and senseless, and this interpretation could hold true, for Cage was known especially for his chaotic and seemingly mindless music. One thing to keep in mind is that Cage desired to create meaning through musical methods that most people would believe to be meaningless. Edwin Morgan, the author, is similarly doing this by creating meaning through meaninglessness. Based on a line of 14 words, by simply taking all possible combinations of the words, there are over 87 billion combinations. Certainly, most of these combinations would not make any sense at all, but surely there are more than 14 that would make some sort of sense. This means the author did not just take 14 lines that make little sense and compose a random poem. Instead, each line builds upon the previous line and leads into the next one. Similar to most English sonnets, this poem explains a problem or dilemma in the first 12 lines. The last two lines (or final couplet) solve the problem and shed light on the rest of the poem. The paradox in this sonnet is that, even though saying (or creating) poetry is nothing in and of itself, through producing poetry as a reader or, even more importantly, as an author, we can gain meaning from the poetry, and only then can we make it a part of us. In the first line a question is asked: "I have to say poetry and is that nothing and am I saying it?" The second line is simply a paraphrase of the first question. The poet wants to know if writing poetry is worth anything, or if it is "nothing." The poem explores and wanders while developing the entire theme until the opening question is answered by the final couplet. The first two lines are followed by two more corresponding lines. Lines 3-4 state that the author has nothing, but that he has poetry to say and he must say it. To summarize the first quatrain, the author asks what the meaning of poetry is, but before he has answered his initial question, he continues by explaining that, regardless of his condition, or the meaning of poetry, he has something he must say through poetry.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Leader case study on Steve Jobs Essay
Question 1 EXPLAIN HOW EACH OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF OUR DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP APPLIES TO STEVE JOBS LEADING APPLE? As defined by Mr. Achua; leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change. He defined effective leader to be someone who have the five elements of leadership as mentioned in the above figure. Mr. Steve Jobs has been a good example of being an effective leader for Apple. The five elements in his personality are discussed as follows; _INFLUENCE_ Influencing is the process of a leader communicating ideas, gaining acceptance of them, and motivating followers to support and implement the ideas through change. Mr. Jobs has been a perfect example for this element. He has influence not only his employees as well as his customers by bringing innovative products that his customers want. According to the case the people who left Apple says though Jobs hogs the credit but they’ve never done better work. This is how influenced his people from him. They were loyal and gave Mr. Jobs great respect. _ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES_ Effective leaders influence followers to think not only of their own interests but also of the interest of the organization through a shared vision. Mr. Jobs didn’t think about his own interests while working in Apple, the example of him hiring John Scuelly to bring professional management into power in place of himself is a prove, that he wanted his company to grow. It was his vision that made the companies he worked for a success. _CHANGE_ There is no doubt if it is said that change was the most important element that Mr. Steve had for being an effective leader. Apple has been a perfect example of change and it was only possible because of Mr. Jobs. Discussing the company’s â€Å"think different†advertising campaign, Isaacson writes, â€Å"They debated the grammatical issue: If ‘different’ was supposed to modify the verb ‘think,’ it should be an adverb, as in ‘think differently.’ But Jobs insisted that he wanted ‘different’ to be used as a noun, as in ‘think victory’ or ‘think beauty.’ †This shows that he always wanted to be different and unique. Bill Gates also said that Jobs did things differently and it’s magical. According to the case; Jobs wanted to bring about change, took innovative risk.[1: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2012/10/apple-after-steve-jobs.html] _PEOPLE_ Leadership is about leading people. As per the case Jobs had been a controversial figure in business. People who have worked for Jobs over the years have mixed reactions to his leading people. Some call him temperamental, aggressive, tough, intimidating, and very demanding. He has been known to verbally attack people who make mistakes and are not meeting goals and expectations. Yet, employees who perform up to expectation are well rewarded. Even many who feared him also had great respect for him as he did inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and high levels of performance through continuous innovation. Even people who left Apple say it’s often brutal and Jobs hogs the credit, but they’ve never done better work. Hence they intend to follow him. _LEADER FOLLOWERS_ An effective leader needs to share his ideas and listen to others and implement their ideas to be effective. It is due to Mr. Jobs good training that Apple is still working well. When Mr. Job was sick back in 2004 and 2009, Mr. Tim Cook (present CEO of Apple) was given his position and through Mr. Jobs guidance he ran the company. He made his follower the next leader and trained him well for the job. According to the case while working with the design team, he used to take input from the followers into what is designed and how. Mr. Jobs always inspired loyalty, enthusiasm and high levels of performance through continuous innovation from his followers. QUESTION 2: IDENTIFY LEADERSHIP ROLES PLAYED BY JOBS AS CEO OF APPLE. WHICH ROLE WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT? Figure 1: Leadership Managerial Roles by Henry Mintzberg The traits of all managerial roles defined by Mintzberg can been seen in Mr. Jobs being the leader of Apple. But the most important role that he played was being an entrepreneur that comes under decisional role. Following are the roles that he played while leading Apple; _FIGURE HEAD_ Mr. Jobs performed the figurehead role for Apple when he used to represent the organization. He used to make announcement for the launch of products, interacted with the customers. Signing official documents, entertaining clients or customers as official representatives. He used to give live interviews. He also used to informally talk to people and attend outside meetings as an organizational representative. _LEADER_ Mr. Jobs played the leader role that is of performing the management functions to effectively operate the managers’ organization unit. According to the case he made decision for hiring professional management. He used to do coaching and give instructions to design department specifically. He used to confront people if the performance of employees falls but also used to reward them if they performed well. _MONITOR_ Mr. Jobs performed the monitor role when he used to gather information for innovative products, to discover problems and opportunities, and to understand events outside the organizational unit. He was a perfectionist. He used to monitor everything very closely. According to the case he was obsessive CEO who wanted his product to be practically perfect in every way. He was the one who stop the launch of one of Apple right before the launch date to be sure it’s perfect. _DISSEMINATOR_ Steve also played a disseminator role when he used to work with the design team. When some information needed to be transferred to the employees. When Mr. Cook become active CEO in 2009, Steve used to make decisions and convey them to him to bring it into action. _SPOKESPERSON_ Mr. Steve was a great spokesperson for Apple. He used to interact with people outside organization through seminars, meetings and interviews. The reason why people know him really well is, he used to speak to the public on behalf of Apple. _ENTREPRENEUR_ Steve Jobs is one of the best entrepreneurs. Through self-assessment he realized that his strengths was in developing new products. He believed the future of Apple depends on the frequent product introduction and transition. His vision for Apple made him a great entrepreneur. Bill Gates also called him to be visionary with intuitive taste. He does thing differently and it was magical in the eye of Bill Gates. _DISTURBANCE HANDLER_ Steve performed the disturbance-handler role of leadership when he took corrective action when the company was about to get bankrupt. According to the case Jobs saved the company in a way that is not seen in the history of Silicon Valley. Hence it proves him being a disturbance handler. _RESOURCE ALLOCATOR_ Steve was also a resource allocator when he used to appoint people in teams and to work they were good at. He allocated Sculley to be the CEO is an e.g of resource allocator. _NEGOTIATOR_ He was a great negotiator. He used to make people convince about his ideas. People were so influenced by him that they said none of them has done better work than him. One of the reason was he was a good negotiator. QUESTION 3: WHICH LEVEL OF ANALYSIS IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF THIS CASE? The primary focus of the case is to have an analysis of oneself i.e self-assessment. Discovering what a person is good at can make him reach high targets of life. As Steve Jobs did his self-assessment and did it right he knew he was good at making new and innovative products, so he focused all his attention in doing this job which made him succeed. Doing the job you enjoy and are good at is the key for career development and reaching the top of success ladder. He had a clear vision in his mind for himself and Apple which made him a great leader. So doing self-assessment and having a clear vision is the primary focus of this case. QUESTION 4: EXPLAIN HOW EACH OF THE LEADERSHIP THEORY CLASSIFICATION APPLIES TO THIS CASE, AND WHICH ONE IS THE MOST RELEVANT? A leadership theory is an explanation of some aspect of leadership; theories have practical value because they are used to better understand, predict, and control successful leadership. Leadership theory classifications include trait, behavioral, contingency, and integrative. Following is the explanation how all these apply to the case; _LEADERSHIP TRAIT_ theories attempt to explain distinctive characteristics accounting for leadership effectiveness. Researchers analyzed physical and psychological traits, or qualities, such as high energy level, appearance, aggressiveness, self-reliance, persuasiveness, and dominance in an effort to identify a set of traits that all successful leaders possessed. According to the case Steve Jobs was also a person he was aggressive, very demanding, tough and intimidating. He always showed high level of energy. _BEHAVIORAL LEADERSHIP_ theories attempt to explain distinctive styles used by effective leaders, or to define the nature of their work.Mintzberg’s ten managerial roles are an example of behavioral leadership theory. This theory applies in the case by discussing different examples that showed Steve Jobs to be an effective leader. As discussed in the question # 2, Steve had showed almost all the managerial roles of being an effective leader when required. He had been an entrepreneur by introducing innovative products. He has been a spokesperson and a figure head for Apple. A resource allocator when he gave the CEO position to Sculley. A leader when he had to launch new products in a perfect way. A disturbance handler when he retrieve Apple back to the place that it deserved and so on. _CONTINGENCY LEADERSHIP_ theories attempt to explain the appropriate leadership style based on the leader, followers, and situation. In other words, which traits and/or behaviors will result in leadership success given the situational variables. Again Steve Jobs example has been used in this case to explain the contingency leadership. When he changed the culture back to entrepreneurial atmosphere. He was the man who had clear vision and understood the requirement of time and worked accordingly. Another example that the case discuss is when he launch Pixar when working with NeXt. _INTEGRATIVE LEADERSHIP_ theories attempt to combine the trait, behavioral, and contingency theories to explain successful, influencing leader-follower relationships. Researchers try to explain why the followers of some leaders are willing to work so hard and make personal sacrifices to achieve the group and organizational objectives, or how effective leaders influence the behavior of their followers. In this case it is seen when people though were not given credit of work yet followed Steve and trust him blindly. He made his followers grow and they were loyal to him. After discussing all the theories, I believe that the most relevant theories to this case and Steve Jobs is _Integrative leadership_. The reason being that it contains all the rest of theories including leader – follower relationship that can be seen in Steve Jobs. The case mainly highlight _Trait and Behavioral leadership theories_ aspect in Steve Jobs personality however if he is studied in detail the Integrative leadership theories can be best applied to him. QUESTION 5: WHEN STEVE JOBS LEAVES APPLE AGAIN, WILL APPLE’S PERFORMANCE DETERIORATE AND GO BACK INTO A CRISIS OF NEAR BANKRUPTCY? WHY OR WHY NOT? As everyone knows that Steve Jobs expired in Oct 2011, it has been 2 years that Apple is performing under Mr. Tim Cook leadership. According to the present position of Apple in the world being the best company, it can be said that Apple performance has reminded the same. One of the reason could be Steve being a great leader trained his followers so well that it help the present management to sustain Apple position in market. Mr. Tim had been the CEO for Apple when Steve was sick and on leave. He made decision on behalf of Steve under Steve observation. So he has been trained to be the CEO and hence replaced Steve in a good way. However it won’t be wrong to say that the punch of innovation and bring new products in the market is missing be the company has introduced improved versions of the products that Steve Jobs introduced. As people are so hooked up with Apple products it helps the company to sustain its position. But if the company doesn’t introduce something new soon its performance can be effected. As Apple is known for its innovation. The company recently launch Apple Map App but it was a failure. The perfection element that Steve products used to have was missing in it and Google maps were much better. But if we talk about financial performance then yes it has improved after Steve Jobs as well.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 12
12.Alchemy The Chinese herb shop smelled like licorice and dried monkey butt. The Animals were piled into the narrow aisle between counters, trying to hide behind Troy Lee's grandmother and failing spectacularly. Behind a glass case, the shopkeeper looked older and more spooky than Grandma Lee, which none of them thought possible until now. It was like he'd been carved from an apple, then left on the windowsill to dry for a hundred years. The walls of the shop were lined, floor to ceiling, with little drawers of dark wood, each with a small bronze frame and a white card with Chinese characters written on it. The old man stood behind glass cases that held all manner of desiccated plant and animal bits, from whole sea horses and tiny birds, to shark parts and scorpion tails, to odd spiky bits that looked like they'd been flown in from another planet. â€Å"What's that?†Drew asked Troy Lee from under a veil of stringy blond hair. He pointed to a wrinkled black thing. Troy Lee said something in Cantonese to Grandma, who said something to the shopkeeper, who barked something back. â€Å"Bear penis,†said Troy Lee. â€Å"Should we score some?†asked Drew. â€Å"For what?†asked Troy. â€Å"An emergency,†said Drew. â€Å"Sure, okay,†said Troy Lee, then he said something to Grandma in Cantonese. There was an exchange with the shopkeeper, after which Troy said, â€Å"How much do you want? It's fifty bucks a gram.†â€Å"Whoa,†said Barry. â€Å"That's expensive.†â€Å"He says it's the best dried bear penis you can buy,†said Troy Lee. â€Å"Okay,†said Drew. â€Å"A gram.†Troy passed the order through Grandma to the shopkeeper. He snipped a tip off a bear penis, weighed it, and placed it on the pile of herbs in the sheet of paper he had laid on the counter for Drew. Grandma's paper was much larger, and the shopkeeper had been tottering around the shop for half an hour gathering the ingredients. At one point when the old man was up on the top of the ladder at the far back corner of the shop, the Animals had leapt the counter and laced their arms together as a human rescue net, which served only to scare the bejeezus out of the shopkeeper and set Grandma off in a tirade of Cantonese scolding, to which they all responded like dogs, paying her rapt attention and tilting their heads as if they actually had some idea of what the fuck she was talking about. Lately the Animals had been all about saving lives. Most of the time, guys their age would be fairly convinced of their immortality, or at least oblivious of their mortality, but since being murdered by a blue hooker turned vampire, then resurrected as vampires, then restored to living by Foo Dog's genetic alchemy, they had been feeling what they could only describe as Jesusy. â€Å"I'm feeling extra Jesusy,†said Jeff, the tall jock. â€Å"I always feel extra Jesusy,†said Clint, who always did. â€Å"Yeah, extra Jesusy, bitches! Let's go save some mother-fuckers!†Lash had shouted, which had sort of embarrassed everyone a little, since they had been sitting around a table in Starbucks at the time, discussing the attack of the cat cloud and the information they'd exchanged with the two homicide cops. â€Å"It's up to us,†Lash added softly, sort of slinking into his hoody and putting on his shades. Now they watched as the old shopkeeper folded up Grandma Lee's bundle of ingredients and tucked in the paper so it was as tight as a toothpick spliff, then flipped the package over and wrote some Chinese characters on the back with a carpenter's pencil. â€Å"What's it say?†Barry asked Troy Lee. â€Å"It says, ‘vampire cat remedy.'†â€Å"No shit?†â€Å"Yeah. Then there's a bunch of warnings about side effects.†An hour later they were sitting around the Lee kitchen table, waiting for the big twenty-quart soup pot on the stove to come to a boil. Grandma Lee rose from her chair and tottered over to the stove with her package of herbs. Troy Lee joined her, helped her unwrap the package, and held the paper away from the burner as she scooped handfuls of herbs and animal parts into the boiling water. Foul and magical fumes bubbled out of the kettle, like the flatulence of dragons on a demon-only diet. â€Å"This really going to work, Grandma?†Troy Lee asked in Cantonese. â€Å"Oh yeah. We used it when I was a girl in China and some vampire cats invaded the city.†â€Å"And they still have the recipe in a shop down on Stockton Street?†â€Å"It's a good recipe.†She scooped the last of the package into the water. â€Å"How do you use this stuff, anyway?†â€Å"With firecrackers.†â€Å"It's wet, how are you going to use firecrackers?†â€Å"I don't know how, I just like firecrackers.†The Animals covered their noses and started filing out of the kitchen. â€Å"That smells like fermented skunk ass,†said Jeff. Grandma said something in Cantonese, followed by â€Å"My bitches,†pronounced in frighteningly accentless English. â€Å"What? What'd she say?†asked Jeff. â€Å"She says, ‘That's how you know it's a good recipe, gents,'†said Troy Lee. THE EMPEROR A dark basement. A thousand sleeping vampire cats. One formerly human vampire. One huge, shaved vampire-cat hybrid. Five matches left. No way out. A half hour, maybe less, until sundown. The Emperor was not a man to use profanity, but after he assessed his situation and burned his fingers with his fourth to last match, he said, â€Å"Well, this blows.†There was no helping it, sometimes a man, even a brave and noble man, must speak the harsh truth, and his situation, did, indeed, blow. He'd tried everything he could think of to escape the basement, from building a stairway to the window with empty fifty-five-gallon drums, to screaming for help like a man on fire, but even on a platform of oil drums he couldn't find the leverage or the strength to move the Dumpster away from the window. He could hear Bummer and Lazarus whimpering outside in the alley. All the other windows had been bricked up, all the steel fire doors were bolted, and, of course, the elevators and cables were long gone from the shafts (which he'd discovered after an hour prying the doors open with a metal support bar he'd taken off one of the shelves where Tommy Flood lay curled up with the Chet-thing). A dusty spray of twilight filtered down the elevator shaft from somewhere above, and it was by this that the Emperor ascertained that there was no way to climb the shaft, and that now it was dangerously close to sundown, as the light had turned a dim orange color. He would fight, oh yes, he would not go down without a battle, but even the magnificently agile little swordsman had gone down to the attacking pounce of cats. What chance did he stand in the dark with only a metal bar? He'd already checked the empty oil drums for accelerants, hoping he might burn his enemies before they awakened, but he'd had no luck. The barrels had had dry goods or something solid in them, and even so, he wasn't sure how he'd avoid being suffocated by burning cat fumes. Then, in thinking about how he might escape the flames, it occurred to him how he might escape. He made his way back to the storeroom where Chet and Tommy lay, and lit one of his precious matches to get his bearings. Yes, there was still a bolt on the door, and in addition there were enough barrels and shelves to construct a barricade beyond that. The match went out and he felt his way across the room until he touched Tommy's back-cold flesh. He took his ex-friend under the armpits and dragged him off the shelf and across the room, bumping through the door-way as he went. He shoved the body to the side and cringed with the crunch it made, falling onto the immobile bodies of dead cats. Back through dark, feeling around until he found Chet's fur. He felt for what he thought were the front paws, then backed across the room again, the huge shaved vampire cat in tow. Chet was lighter than Tommy had been, but not by much, and the Emperor was winded. He couldn't afford to sit. The ray of light in the elevator shaft had gone deep red. He heard Bummer let out a ruff beyond the window. â€Å"Run, men, away! Go away from this place. I'll find you in the morning. Go!†He never raised his voice to the men, even when they were in peril, and he heard Lazarus whimper at his command, but then the sound of Bummer growling while being dragged away by the scruff of his neck. He would get the message after a block or so. The men were safe. He pulled the metal door shut, then yanked on it until he heard a click. Then spent the second to the last of his matches looking at the simple bolt, and taking a last look around the room, trying to memorize the layout of the barrels and shelves that he would have to move in the dark. As the match burned out, he heard stirring in the room outside. There was a rack of metal shelves to the right of the door. He grabbed them and overturned them in the doorway. Yes, the door opened out, but what could it hurt. The more he put between himself and the vampire cats, the better. He scooped up armloads of the clothing at his feet and tossed them over the shelves, then backed across the room, throwing everything he touched in front of him, as if he were tunneling out the other side. Finally, he crawled up in the heavy shelf where Tommy and Chet had been and crouched, facing the door. He felt for the handle of the kitchen knife that he'd tucked in his belt at the small of his back, drew it, and held it before him. There were distinct cat noises-yowls, hisses, and meows, coming from the room outside. They were awake, up, and moving. There was a tentative scratch at the door, then a whirr of scratching, like someone had turned a power sander on outside, then it stopped as quickly as it had started and all he could hear was his own breathing. No. There was movement. The slight rustle of cloth, then a low, trilling purr. And it was coming from inside the door, he was sure of it. The Emperor clamped the knife in his teeth and lit his last match. The room was as he thought it would be, a pile of debris and barrels, but swirling out from under shelving in front of the door was a layer of mist, moving across the floor toward him, undulating in tiny waves that approximated the sound of a purr.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Jacksonian Democracy
During Andrew’s Jackson presidency from 1829-1837 many changes in our government took place. During his reign he reduced national debt, became the first president to ride a train, and he extended the right to vote to all males who didn’t own land. This caused a major debate in our great country because suddenly all white men could help determine our nations future. Arguments both pro and con were brought up in the states. To determine the validity of these arguments one must look at who said the quote and when it was said. These arguments came to center stage in New York where a proposal was written to drop the property requirement for voting. The state constitution revision committee chair, Nathan Sanford, supported this proposal. He asserted his position in a report where he states that â€Å"the only qualifications to [to vote] seem to be the virtue and morality of the people.†On the other hand the chief justice of New York’s highest court, state s, â€Å"The tendency of universal suffrage is to jeopardize the rights of property.†These two quotes show the vast differences of opinion during Jackson’s presidency. In the early 1830s a french sociologist, Alex de Tocqueville traveled to America observed American society. Eventually he wrote a book Democracy in America. In this work he praises the American people for their talents as abilities while at the same time criticize the people in government saying†The race of American statesmen has evidently dwindled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Doc 3) Tocqueville wonders why the best men aren’t always placed at the head of the government and endorses universal suffrage in America. He also states â€Å"Democracy is not only deficient In that soundness of judgment which is necessary to select men really deserving of its confidence but has neither the desire nor the inclination to find them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He is telling the reader about American indifference to who gets elected and he is making a p... Free Essays on Jacksonian Democracy Free Essays on Jacksonian Democracy Democracy in Jackson’s Administration In 1828, democracy changed with the election of Andrew Jackson for president. This democracy’s philosophy was that all governing that was necessary would be done directly by the people of America. Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. This self-serving view was exceedingly hypocritical, as shown through the National Bank, the Nullification crisis, and the Native American’s Trail of Tears. Andrew Jackson decided not to recharter the National Bank in 1832, stating that it was for the good of economic equality. This started what is known as the â€Å"Bank War.†In his veto message (Doc B), Jackson maintained that he was protecting United States citizens by not passing the recharter. His belief was that the Bank was monopolistic and therefore unconstitutional. However, the bank was declared constitutional in McCulloch vs. Maryland in 1819. He felt that this â€Å"monopoly†would favor only the wealthy and because it only used hard money, would devastate the poorer citizens in America. This is where his reasoning that it was not economically equal was derived from. Although some aspects of his argument were accurate, he failed to recognize the overall benefits of the National Bank, pointed out by Daniel Webster in his reply to the veto. (Doc C) The National Bank issued stable bank notes, expanded the country’s money supply, and produced an abunda nt amount of sound currency. The government benefited because it was a safe place to store, transfer, and distribute currency. Jackson destroyed the Bank, causing class animosity, such as the riots in New York and Philadelphia described by Philip Hone, a businessman and Whig. (Doc E) The controversy over nullification produced a crisis in 1832 over the Tariff of 1828. South Carolina, angry because of the... Free Essays on Jacksonian Democracy During Andrew’s Jackson presidency from 1829-1837 many changes in our government took place. During his reign he reduced national debt, became the first president to ride a train, and he extended the right to vote to all males who didn’t own land. This caused a major debate in our great country because suddenly all white men could help determine our nations future. Arguments both pro and con were brought up in the states. To determine the validity of these arguments one must look at who said the quote and when it was said. These arguments came to center stage in New York where a proposal was written to drop the property requirement for voting. The state constitution revision committee chair, Nathan Sanford, supported this proposal. He asserted his position in a report where he states that â€Å"the only qualifications to [to vote] seem to be the virtue and morality of the people.†On the other hand the chief justice of New York’s highest court, state s, â€Å"The tendency of universal suffrage is to jeopardize the rights of property.†These two quotes show the vast differences of opinion during Jackson’s presidency. In the early 1830s a french sociologist, Alex de Tocqueville traveled to America observed American society. Eventually he wrote a book Democracy in America. In this work he praises the American people for their talents as abilities while at the same time criticize the people in government saying†The race of American statesmen has evidently dwindled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Doc 3) Tocqueville wonders why the best men aren’t always placed at the head of the government and endorses universal suffrage in America. He also states â€Å"Democracy is not only deficient In that soundness of judgment which is necessary to select men really deserving of its confidence but has neither the desire nor the inclination to find them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He is telling the reader about American indifference to who gets elected and he is making a p...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of the English-only Movement
Definition and Examples of the English-only Movement The English-only movement is a political movement that seeks to establish English as the sole official language of the United States or of any particular city or state within the U.S. The expression English-only is primarily used by opponents of the movement. Advocates prefer other terms, such as Official-English Movement. U.S.ENGLISH, Inc. states that it is the nations oldest, largest citizens action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. Founded in 1983 by the late Senator S.I. Hayakawa, an immigrant himself, U.S. English now has 1.8 million members nationwide.​ Commentary President Theodore Roosevelt We have room for but one language in this country, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house. –Works, 1926 Peter Elbow Its touching when speakers of English argue for purity in the language since English is probably the most impure bastardized language theres ever been. Its slept with every language it ever encountered, even casually. The strength of English comes from how many babies its had with how many partners. –Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing, 2012 Geoffrey Nunberg Given the minor role that language has played in our historical self-conception, it isnt surprising that the current English-only movement began in the political margins, the brainchild of slightly flaky figures like Senator S.I. Hayakawa and John Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist who co-founded the U.S. English organization as an outgrowth of his involvement in zero population growth and immigration restriction. (The term English-only was originally introduced by supporters of a 1984 California initiative opposing bilingual ballots, a stalking horse for other official-language measures. Leaders of the movement have since rejected the label, pointing out that they have no objection to the use of foreign languages in the home. But the phrase is a fair characterization of the goals of the movement so far as public life is concerned.)... Considered strictly in the light of the actualities, then, English-only is an irrelevant provocation. It is a bad cure for an imaginary disease, and moreover, one that encourages an unseemly hypochondria about the health of the dominant language and culture. But it is probably a mistake to try to engage the issue primarily at this level, as opponents of these measures have tried to do with little success. Despite the insistence of English-only advocates that they have launched their campaign for the immigrants own good, its hard to avoid the conclusion that the needs of non-English speakers are a pretext, not a rationale, for the movement. At every stage, the success of the movement has depended on its capacity to provoke widespread indignation over allegations that government bilingual programs are promoting a dangerous drift toward a multilingual society. –Speaking of America: Why English-Only Is a Bad Idea. The Workings of Language: From Prescriptions to Perspectives, ed. b y Rebecca S. Wheeler. Greenwood, 1999 Paul Allatson Many commentators regard English-Only as a symptom of a nativist backlash against immigration from Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries, the ostensible focus on language by proponents often masking deeper fears about the nation under threat from Spanish-speaking peoples (Crawford 1992). At a federal level, English is not the official language of the USA, and any attempt to give English that function would require a Constitutional amendment. However, this is not the case at city, county, and state level across the country, and much of the recent legislative success to enshrine English as the official state, county, or city language is attributable to English-Only. –Key Terms in Latino/a Cultural And Literary Studies, 2007 James Crawford [F]actual support has generally proved unnecessary for English-only proponents to advance their cause. The facts are that, except in isolated locales, immigrants to the United States have typically lost their native languages by the third generation. Historically they have shown an almost gravitational attraction toward English, and there are no signs that this proclivity has changed. To the contrary, recent demographic data analyzed by Veltman (1983, 1988) indicate that rates of anglicization- shift to English as the usual language- are steadily increasing. They now approach or surpass a two-generation pattern among all immigrant groups, including Spanish-speakers, who are most often stigmatized as resistant to English. –At War with Diversity: US Language Policy in an Age of Anxiety, 2000 Kevin Drum I may not have any big objections to making English our official language, but why bother? Far from being unique, Hispanics are just like every other wave of immigrants in American history: they start off speaking Spanish, but the second and third generations end up speaking English. And they do it for obvious reasons: they live among English speakers, they watch English-language television, and its hellishly inconvenient not to speak it. All we have to do is sit back and do nothing, and Hispanic immigrants will eventually all become English speakers. –The Best Way to Promote the English Language Is to Do Nothing, 2016 Opponents Anita K. Barry In 1988, the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) of the NCTE passed a National Language Policy (Smitherman, 116) that lists as the goals of CCCC: 1. to provide resources to enable native and non-native speakers to achieve oral and literate competence in English, the language of wider communication;2. to support programs that assert the legitimacy of native languages and dialects and ensure that proficiency in ones mother tongue will not be lost; and3. to foster the teaching of languages other than English so that native speakers of English can rediscover the language of their heritage or learn a second language. Some opponents of English-only, including the National Council of Teachers of English and the National Education Association, united in 1987 into a coalition called English Plus, which supports the concept of bilingualism for everyone... –Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Education, 2002 Henry Fountain Fewer than half of the nations in the world have an official languageand sometimes they have more than one. The interesting thing, though, said James Crawford, a writer on language policy, is that a large percentage of them are enacted to protect the rights of language minority groups, not to establish a dominant language. In Canada, for example, French is an official language along with English. Such a policy is intended to protect the francophone population, which has remained distinct for hundreds of years. In the United States we dont have that kind of stable bilingualism, Mr. Crawford said. We have a pattern of very rapid assimilation. A more apt comparison might be to Australia, which like the United States has had high levels of immigration. Australia doesnt have an English-only movement, Mr. Crawford said. While English is the official language, Australia also has a policy that encourages immigrants to preserve their language and English-speakers to learn new ones, all to benefit trade and security. They dont use language as a lightning rod for expressing your views on immigration, Mr. Crawford said. Language has not become a major symbolic dividing line. –In Language Bill, the Language Counts, 2006
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Re-Educating Health Care Providers on Hand Hygiene Practice Essay
Re-Educating Health Care Providers on Hand Hygiene Practice - Essay Example Hospital Acquired infections (HAIs) present a serious challenge in provision of healthcare services to patients in hospital settings. Studies indicate that about 80 percent of patients who contract HAIs often succumb to the diseases and die while receiving treatment in the hospital (Ivers, et al. 2012). The numbers have since risen up and it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to point to the exact numbers of patients suffering from HAIs. Nevertheless, existing literature has produced a lot of evidence pointing to the role of hand hygiene practices in reducing the rates of HAIs. However, compliance rates to hand hygiene practices such as hand washing and gelling remain low, which makes it difficult to prevent HAIs. There is also a gap in available literature concerning the impact of specific hand hygiene programs in reducing the rates of HAIs. This project assesses how reeducation can enhance compliance to hand hygiene in hospital settings thereby reducing the rates of HAIs. Hand hygiene encompasses various technics and practices for cleansing hands before and after treating patients. Several agents such as antiseptic agents, anti-microbial soaps, alcohol based rubs, plain soaps, and antiseptic agents play a critical role in hand hygiene practices. The main underlying factor is that compliance with hand hygiene practices reduces the rates of related infections to a greater extent (Ivers, et al. 2012). However, inadequacies exist in the literature available regarding how to increase compliance with hand hygiene practices before and after attending to each patient according to the guidelines stipulated by the WHO (Dennison & Prevost, 2012).
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Native and European Concept of Warfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Native and European Concept of Warfare - Essay Example The main reasons were to establish a trading empire, conquer and expand beyond their nations, increase religious following and for curiosity satisfaction.1 1 Allison, William T., Grey, Jeffrey G., and Valentine, Janet G. 2012. American Military History + Mysearchlab With Pearson Etext. Pearson College Div. European countries had an aggressive foreign policy that involved conquering other nations and attacking each other to expand their territories. This was coupled by acquiring more valuables, expanding one’s power base and increasing human labour force even in their military. From the large populations, more revenue could be raised through taxing and income for their churches through forced tithes. This wish of making countries richer and stronger than its neighbors lead to the arms of military, court and the clergy exploring the sea and land beyond Europe. European countries viewed North America as a better trading route since it could be accessed easily by ships compared to other trading routes. In their previous routes, they had experienced technical challenges that seemed to be solved by America’s accessibility after discovery of Christopher Columbus. In previous experiences in Asia and Africa, poor development of road network posed the biggest challenge to trade; the traders could not access the inner part easily and goods transported by animals were less compared to the ships. In addition, the overland routes were dangerous and this led to loss of goods when traders were attacked by robbers and geographical features such as rivers and mountains interrupted smooth passage of goods and traders. Christianity, which had its route in Europe, was a driving force to explore new lands. Christians viewed non-Christians as heathen and they took it as their duty to convert them and save their souls from eternal damnation. In bid to march economic and political powers, the churches in Europe sent missionaries to North America and other parts of the wor ld Colonization Christopher Columbus led a Spanish expedition in 1492 which led to discovery of Americas. It opened conquest, colonization and exploration that expanded with time after discovery of this new world that was unknown to many European nations before this era. Due to economic reasons, religious reasons and political prosecutions that were happening in Europe, many people sought refuge in the new found America.2 Columbus's voyages opened up the entire Western Hemisphere to European powers. They led to wars of invasion where these powers competed against each other to achieve more control than any other nation. This led to profound changes on the North America landscape, demographics and plant and animal life. American Colonial Leaders Because of the cost of running external states in North America, the British government gave charters to companies to establish leadership in this region. These companies formed Royal provinces that had a similar system of governance as the m other nation Britain. The chief executives, who were called governors, were responsible for administering justice, appointing judicial and administrative officers, and executing colonial rules.2 They were responsible for the security in the provinces and relationship with the natives and other colonies. They
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Foundations of Conflict Resolution MODULE 3 CASE ASSIGNMENT Essay
Foundations of Conflict Resolution MODULE 3 CASE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example The cooperation showed by the parties was an over ridding principle which allowed the two parties to continue on with the discussion. In the case there is a strong possibility of a Pareto – Optimal settlement. The case meets a number of the conditions like: â€Å"Despite conflicting interests, the parties recognize that they also share a problem of some urgency which, if not promptly resolved, may have adverse consequences for them all. Despite differences of perspective, the parties communicate easily with one another. No psychological problems or hidden motivations stunt or disturb the flow of communication. The parties and their attorneys are genuinely interested in possibilities of settlement without the distractions of posturing or jockeying for strategic advantage. Neither party is able or "willing to exercise overwhelming power or influence in the negotiations to force a decision in his or her favor." Each party understands the others arguments and interests, and neith er party is willing to risk the possibility of a judgment adverse to it in a court of law. Objectively based criteria can be identified on which to build a settlement. The dialogue of negotiation discovers win/ win possibilities via "expansion of the resource to be traded." The parties may have an actual or potential relationship that each perceives as worth maintaining or cultivating. Both parties are willing to coordinate their actions in order to implement win/win solutions†(Selig, 2002). Practical points that can derived from this case is that if the disputants have a strong understanding and ability to communicate and resolve the issue among themselves, it can prove to be very beneficial for all the parties and can create a win – win situation for all. Also if all the aspects of the case are considered, it is seen that the cooperative behaviour along with the need for and willingness to genuinely have a need for settlement.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of the Financial Crisis on Islamic Banks
Effect of the Financial Crisis on Islamic Banks Islamic banking is a very young concept even though it has already been implemented as the only system in two Muslim countries; there are Islamic banks in many Muslim countries, and a few in non-Muslim countries as well. Despite the successful acceptance there are problems. These problems are mainly in the area of financing. Dubai Islamic Bank was the first private interest free bank and was set up by a group of Muslim business men from different countries in 1975. in 1977 two more private banks under the name of Faisal Islamic bank were founded in Sudan and Egypt. Since the establishment of the Dubai Islamic Bank, more than 50 interest free banks have been set up. Most of them are in Muslim countries but there are others in Western Europe as well as Denmark, UK, and also Switzerland. All the interest free banks use basic principles that are agreed upon but individual banks have different ways of implementing and applying the principles. These differences are brought about by a countries laws, the circumstances facing the bank, its objectives and experience as well as its interaction with other banks. The features of the Islamic banks The interest free banks have three kinds of deposits, namely; current accounts, savings accounts and investment accounts. The current accounts operate just like the other conventional banks. In the savings accounts are treated differently depending on the banks policies. In some cases, the banks are allowed to use the clients money but they have to guarantee to give back full the full amount. In this cases, no capital is promised. On the other hand, savings accounts are treated as if they were investment accounts but they have less stringent withdrawal and minimum balance conditions. In these cases the expected profits level are usually low and only a portion of the average minimum balance is awarded. With the investment accounts, deposits are accepted for a given period of time and the investors make an agreement in advance on how the profits will be shared with the banks. For this accounts, a capital is not guaranteed. MODES OF FINANCING The mode of financing in the Islamic banks is carried out in three ways; investment financing, trade financing, and also lending. Investment financing has three perspectives; musharaka, mudharaba and estimated rates on return basis investment. In mushraka, the bank joins another bank to set up a joint venture with both parties participating in their different activities. The profit or loss made from the venture business is shares among the banks in accordance to a pre arranged agreement. This venture is usually an independent legal entity and the bank has the right to gradually withdraw after the initial period. In mudarabha, a bank contributes finances required for an investment and the client sources and provides the needed expertise, labor as well as the management to oversee things. The profit gained from these investment is shared between the bank and the client according to a pre arranged plan. Incase losses are made, the bank takes responsibility. Financing on the basis of an estimated rate of return. The bank makes an estimation of the expected rate of returns on an investment on project that it has been requested by a client to finance. The bank then provides the financing on the condition that the rate is payable to the bank in a given time period or intervals. Incase the expected rate on return is higher than the estimated rate, the client takes the excess profits but if it is less than the estimated rate, the bank accepts the lower rates. In case of a loss, the bank shares in it. Trade financing Trade financing is also carried out in several ways; mark up, leasing, hire purchase, sell an buy back, and letters of credit. In the mark up approach, the bank buys an asset for the client and is to be paid at a certain time for a certain price and some profit. In leasing, the bank simply purchase an item and leases to a client for an agreed time. At the end of this time period, the client pays the balance and becomes the owner of the item. Hire purchase is similar to leasing only that the item purchased by the bank is hired to the client for a given period and when the ends, the client automatically becomes the owner if the item. The buy and sell back approach entails a client selling an asset to the bank at a price payable immediately and promises to buy it back from the bank after an agreed time period and for a pre determined price. Letters of credit involves international trade. In this case, the bank uses its funds to guarantee the import of an item in place of the client, on condition that the profits made from the sale of the item will be shared between the bank and the client. LENDING The third mode of financing used in the Islamic banks is lending and it has three forms namely; loans with service charge, no cost loans and bank overdrafts. Loans with service charge are loans that are given to the clients with no interest but a service charge is levied to cover the expenses incurred by the bank during the transaction. No cost loans are loans offered by the bank and no interest or service charge is required. The bank is required to set aside funds to enable it to grant these loans that are aimed at helping the needy people and also the small businesses. Bank overdrafts are also allowed in the Islamic banks and free of charge but they are subject to a certain maximum. Other services offered by the Islamic banks are; money transfers, bill collections as well as foreign currency trade which is at a spot rate. Islamic bankers treat their depositors as partners, in the sense that they have invested their money in the bank and the profits and losses should be shared accordingly The effects of financial crisis on Islamic banking Islamic banks looks at the sharia law for guidance in its activities and bans interest gaining activities and trading debt. Islamic finance is being promoted as way of dealing with the financial crises that is global. This year is said to be a mile stone for Islamic banking in the sense that the global financial crises has provided the Islamic banking with a golden opportunity globally re establish itself as a main stream and a financier and provider for equity and debt. The main reason as to why Islamic financing is said to be a good remedy for the current market is the fact that one can only promise what they have. For the first time, Islamic banking has been considered as a choice among the present structures and the current systems in reference to products and solutions to the financial crisis. It is therefore important for nations to adopt the Islamic banking techniques and principles in running their economies. Islamic banking industry is facing challenges and most of these challenges are in real estate and stock prices, according to advocates the system has built-in protection from the kind of runaway collapse that has afflicted so many institutions. The use of financial instruments like derivatives, which are said to contribute highly to the down fall of banks, insurance and investment giants, is banned. The dealing of Islamic banks is directly linked to economic activities that involve assets or the provision of services. This banking system is also distinguished from other financial systems fo it commitment in upholding integrity and its way of avoiding risky business activities. The reason as to why this global financial crises has greatly affected other banks especially the world bank is their involvement in debt buying and accounts enlargement without evident or tangible transactions being carried out. The fact that the Islamic banking has been the least affected by the financial crisis has made it more attractive. Islamic Banking portrays many new and unique ideas that present the Islamic Banking system as a way of ensuring full employment, equitability of wealth, prices stability, income distribution, and sustained growth. The Islamic bank also carries out investigations on the nature and functions of money in interest free banking system and then, integrates money in capital theory. The lack of debt in the Islamic financial systems has saved it from many financial problems that are brought about by bad credit and this has seen its survival through rough financial periods. Also its prohibition of a risk free interest on return and trading permission has made the financial activities in an Islamic financial set up to be real estate backed and this gives it the ability to bring about value addition. The success of the Islamic banking regardless of the global financial crises is attributed to its capitalist financial system. The reason as to why Islamic banks have remained immune to the mortgage problem acing the international finance systems is because of their inherent factors. These factors include ; taking precautionary measures against money laundering, prohibiting trading in debt and also the professional and official restraints on taking up risky projects. There were complains that the Islamic banks were not offering genuine Islamic banking products they offered products similar to those in other commercial banks and gave them an Islamic name with the aim of attracting commercial banks customers who did not want to pay interests. The effects of the global financial crisis on the Islamic banks was not known since the Islamic banks received a lot of support from many other governments. Instead, the Islamic banks have taken precautionary measures and diversified their economic activities so as to avoid the financial crises consequences. It is argued that the global crises might continue for the next two years but the Islamic banks have secured liquidity which places it at a better position in facing the financial crisis in comparison to other financial systems. This success has led to serious considerations of using Islamic banking principles as it has continued to realize more achievements and has proved to be resilient an d viable to the currently crisis hit financial system
Friday, October 25, 2019
Global Workforce Integration Essay -- Labor Outsourcing Integrating Es
Global Workforce Integration Outsourcing, offshoring, and workforce globalization. Those words were voiced late 1999 in Seattle inside and outside the World Trade Organization meeting. Damages in Seattle amounted to $2.5 million, and 500 plus protesters were arrested. 3 In those days, outsourcing was about moving manufacturing jobs to developing countries to take advantage of the lower salary there. The affected blue-collar US workers were acting violently out of anger and frustration since their jobs were taken away. White collar population didn ¡Ã‚ ¯t voice any opinions about the issue back then, since US had the largest demand for white collar workers. Today, white collar workers are feeling the pressure of outsourcing in America and starting to discuss the matter seriously. According to researchers at UC Berkeley, 1 in 10 current job positions in the US can be outsourced, while 1 in 6 Silicon Valley jobs are vulnerable to outsourcing. 4 Since software facilitates the white collar job outsourcing and software development is one field most prone to outsourcing, I will focus on the outsourcing issues related to software. I have chosen three specific computer companies  ¨C Peoplesoft, Oracle, HP  ¨C to discuss their outsourcing trends and make inferences about the global effects. In the end, I hope to arrive at a decision about outsourcing from the ethical analysis of the outsourcing issue. But first, let ¡Ã‚ ¯s have a look at why outsourcing is being applied to white collar job positions today. Why Outsource? A major reason for outsourcing is pay difference. Even though we have currency exchange rates between different countries ¡Ã‚ ¯ currencies, the exchange rates are only for monetary values and don ¡Ã‚ ¯t sh... ... d=20040221 3. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The WTO Legacy, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/wto/ 4. San Francisco Chronicle, Looking Offshore, Feb 7th, 2004, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi- bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/03/07/BUGMJ5FA9G1.DTL 5. Yahoo Currency, http://finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=CNY 6. SFC 7. SFC 8. A. Aneesh, Programming Globalization: Technological Modes of Labor Integration, forthcoming 9. WebEx, http://www.webex.com 10. SFC 11. SFC 12. SFC 13. SFC 14. SFC 15. NEELESH MISRA, Associated Press Writer, Yahoo News, March 12th, 2004, http://story.news.yahoo.com/news? tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040312/ap_on_bi_ge/india_outsourcing_1 16. SFC 17. SFC 18. SCU, Engineering Handbook - Ethics, http://cseserv.engr.scu.edu/NQuinn/COEN288/EngrHandbook_Ethics.pdf 19. SCU 20. SCU
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What Do You Understand – Managed Inventory?
Process of Vendor Managed Inventory can be defined as a mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information exchanged by the retailer or customers. It implies that the supplier does the demand creation and the fulfillment, instead of the retailers or customers managing the inventory. Under the typical business model an order is placed to the manufacturer when the product is needed by the distributor. The inventory plan is maintained by the distributor as he is in control of the timing and size of the order being placed.Creating the responsibility of manpower team, space and inventory management, increased administration work and conflict between responsibility ownership in case of quality issue. Under Vendor-Managed Inventory model the order is generated by the manufacturer without being the change of ownership of inventory. The inventory plan is maintained and created by the manufacturer as he receives the data that tell him about the distributor ’s sales and stock levels.This model eliminates the case of emerging conflict in case of quality issues, save manpower, space and inventory management and administration work as sole responsibility is with the system supplier. The goal of Vendor-Managed Inventory is to align the business objectives and streamline supply chain operations for both suppliers and their customers, by using a streamlined approach to inventory management and order fulfillment.It involves collaboration between suppliers and their customers (e. g. retailer, distributor, or product end user) which changes the traditional ordering process. This process works only if expectations are clarified between the organization and the supplier, they both need to agree on how to share information regarding the restocking in a timely and synchronized manner and keep their communication channels open.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH Essay
Before we start with our lesson for Today, let us have first an action songentitled â€Å"Its I who build community†Ready?Yes sir!Okay, let us do it all together.Its I ( 3x) who build community(4x)*You*WeRoll over the ocean, roll over the seaRoll over the ocean and the deep blue sea.(The students willdo the action song)Very good!Do you like it?Yes sir! 2. Review Class, what was our lesson lastmeeting? Sir, our lesson last meetingwas all about the meaning,source and form of drugs.Very good! Where does the term drugderived?The term drug derivedfrom the Dutch word droog which means dry.Well said! What do you mean by theword drug in the filed of medicine? In the field of medicine, drug is any chemicalsubstance intended for use indiagnosis, cure, mitigation,treatment and prevention of diseases in animals. 3. Motivation Class, I am going to show you a short video clip.What you are going to do is to observe andafterwards I’m going to ask your reactions basedfrom the video presented.Am I understood class?Yes, sir!Now, what have had you observed fromthe video presented?We observed that the personsuffered a severe headache,He is hallucinating andexperienced difficulty inbreathing.What do you think are the reasons whythese particular situations happen?These situations happenbecause of the effects of taking or abusing drugs.Very good! B. Developmental Activities1. Presentation This morning, we are going to discussall about the classification of drugs according touse and effect. a. Setting of Standards But before that, what will you do while yourteacher is discussing in front?Listen, behave, sitproperly, understandthe lesson, cooperate,and participate.Can I expect that from you?Yes, sir! 2. Lesson Proper Class, I will group you into three. This willbe the group 1, 2 and 3. I have here some strips/photocopied materials containing the three classificationof drugs according to uses and effect. All you have to dois to discuss the topic, note/lists and write the importantdetails on your manila paper.Am I understood?Yes, sir!I will give you 5 minutes to do it. After yourgroup discussion, you are going to select 1 representativeto report it in the class.Am I understood?Yes, sir!Go to your respective groups now. GROUP 1GROUP 2GROUP 3 Teacher supervises his students in every group.Students report what they have had discussed in their group.Teacher gives additional information and makes some clarifications asregards to the topic presented. IV. Evaluation In a  ½ crosswise of pad paper, explain briefly.1. What are the effects of abusing stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogensto:a. oneself b. familyc. community V. Assignment Have an advance reading about the topic â€Å"Prevention of drug abuse†.MAPEH-I textbook, pp. 378-380
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pond Ecosystem Report
Pond Ecosystem Report Free Online Research Papers The experimental pond ecosystem was polluted with oil to see what the effects would be. Every week our team added three drops of Pennzoil 5w/30 to our experimental pond ecosystem. We took a count of living organisms from our control and experimental groups at two different levels to see what effect the oil had on them. The results were dramatic on the upper level of our experimental pond ecosystem. Many if not most of the living organisms were destroyed, while the lower level was somewhat less impacted. The experimental pond ecosystem showed that pollution by oil is mainly limited to the upper portion of the ecosystem itself. The cause for this unusual circumstance is because of the hydrophobic property of the oil. Introduction: The ideas of pollution in our ponds and lakes are all to real in this day and age. Even in Alaska our streams and lakes are polluted to some degree. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (2007) has reported that fecal coli-form bacteria, sediment, and petroleum products are the primary source of pollutants of the surface waters in Alaska. With man made natural disasters such as the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez in 1989, our environment has sustained major damage. This accident alone killed many animals and destroyed the natural ecosystem of the region. Greenpeace (2001) has reported that 250,000 to 500,000 sea animals died immediately, not to mention billions of salmon and herring eggs. The effects of the spill are still being felt with lower birth rates and stunted growth of nearly all of the animals impacted. The University of North Carolina (2002) has found that the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill are lasting longer than expected. The team estimates that some shoreline habitats may take another thirty years to recover. Before we go any further we should learn a little about what a pond ecosystem is. According to Wikipedia (2006), a pond ecosystem is a specific type of fresh water ecosystem that is largely based on autotroph algae which provide the base trophic level for all life in the area. The largest predator in a pond ecosystem will normally be a fish and in between ranges smaller insects and microorganisms. It may have a scale of organisms from small bacteria to larger creatures. Aquatic ecosystems perform many important environmental functions. For example, they recycle nutrients, purify water, ease flooding, and provide habitats for wildlife. Mini Pond (2004) reports that a pond ecosystem degrades when the ecosystem’s ability to absorb stress has been exceeded. A stress on these ecosystems can be the result of physical, chemical, or biological alterations to the environment. Usually in the pond ecosystem there are two types of organisms. The first is called Autotrophic. These organisms are the producers that generate organic compounds from inorganic material. Algae use solar energy to generate biomass from carbon dioxide and are the most important autotrophic organisms in an aquatic environment. The second type of organism is referred to as Heterotrophic. These are the organisms that consume autotrophic organisms and use the organic compounds in their bodies as an energy source. Our group thought it would be interesting as well as educational to see first hand what the effects of motor oil in a pond ecosystem would have. We believe that the motor oil will have a detrimental effect on the pond ecosystem. We also believe that the upper levels consisting of the algae and Cyan bacteria will be most affected since they are near the top and oil has hydrophobic relationship with water. We do not believe that the organisms in the lower portions of the ecosystem will be impacted as much because the oil will have a harder time reaching them. We also believe that given enough time that the ecosystem as a whole will die due to the lack of algae. Materials and Methods: The material we used in this experiment consists of living organisms and their food stuff. First, I will list the organisms, followed by the amount of food. We used half a pipette for the living organisms and the five milliliter rule for the food. They are as follows. Gloetrichia, Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Chilonas, Paramecium Caudatum, Stentor, and a few drops of Amoeba. The addition of food is as follows; 5g Mgso4 solution, 15g KH2PO4 solution, 10g K2HPO4 solution, 2.5g NaCI solution, 2.5g NaNO3 solution and 2.5g CaCI solution. These materials were added to two separate two liter glass containers filled with purified water and a measured scoop of dirt and gravel respectively. We then labeled each of the two glass jars, one control and the other experiment. During the four week period we introduced Pennzoil 5w/30 to our experimental group once a week using three drops from a dropper. We were careful not to disturb the water as we put the oil in because we did not want the oil to mix, but instead stay on top of the ecosystem. After our first week, we started collecting data from our pond ecosystem. We did this by taking samples with a dropper from the upper and lower regions of the control and the experimental groups. We made wet mount slides of each region and looked at them with the microscopes provided by the laboratory. The process we did for counting the organisms was a simple yet affective approach. We used the field of view approach that is noted in our Introductory Biology Lab book (2007). The book states that you have one field of view per slide. Within this field of view there are five points of interest; top left, top right, middle, bottom left, and bottom right. With the microscope set at 45X, we went to each of the points of interest and did a count of all living organisms. We did this weekly for the control group as well as the experimental group. Results: The results of our pond ecosystem experiment did produce some unusual findings. This may be the direct result of contamination that happened during the first week or to other factors that are unknown. The first graph reveals the results of counting the top layer of the control group. As you can see the Chilomonas were very productive after one week of being in the ecosystem. Likewise, the Amoeba’s were proficient in the second week. By the end of the fourth week all organisms excluding the Oscillatoria had declined. The next slide shows the four week results of the bottom level of the control group. All of the organisms in this group seemed to enjoy a steady increase of offspring. The counts during the fourth week indicate that the Paramecium’s were having a population explosion. The next sets of graphs are from the experimental group. If you remember our experimental ecosystem had 3 drops of oil introduced each week after the first week. As you can see the Oscillatoria and Chilomonas seem to have had a strong growth in population, but by week three everything seemed to be dead or greatly reduced. The last graph shows the bottom count for the experimental ecosystem. As you can see, there was dramatic growth in the second week by the Chilomonas as well as the Oscillatoria. This may be due in fact to an incident of contamination that we will discuss later. By the third week, everything seems to have returned to normal except for the rapid growth of the Stentor group. Discussion: Now that the experiment is over I would like to discuss some of the findings our group came up with. By looking at the graph for the experimental upper level versus the control upper level, one can clearly see that the oil had a negative effect on all of the living organisms in this region. Likewise, the experimental bottom level compared to the control bottom level shows a somewhat lesser amount of organisms. This could be caused by two factors, either the oil was penetrating to the lower level or the organisms were running out of food to consume due to the pollution of the oil on the surface of the ecosystem. Either way, it is clear that oil in the pond ecosystem has an overall effect of pollution causing death. One factor that may explain the substantial rise of organisms in our experimental ecosystem during the second week, was the inadvertent addition of Tetra Fauna Reptoman fish food on October 12, 2007 by a participant in another study. The contents of the fish food are as follows: 42.5% crude protein, 8.5% crude fat, 2% fiber, 8% moisture, 1.8% phosphorus, 25mg calcium and 100mg ascorbic acid. One can tell by comparing the charts from the control and experimental groups that the fish food had a rather dramatic effect on some of the organisms causing a population burst of sorts. In the end, the growth spurt was short lived and the oil had an even more profound effect on the experimental ecosystem. After some debate by my colleagues and me we came to the conclusion that our experimental design should have included the mixing of the oil with the water in the experimental ecosystem. We feel that this would be more representative of what would happen in the natural world. I believe this experiment, even with the introduction of the fish food, was a success. The data clearly shows that the introduction of the motor oil had a detrimental effect on the microorganisms that lived in our experimental group, more so on the upper level than the lower level. I would have to conclude that our original hypothesis was correct. : Alaska Department of natural Resources, division of mining, land and water. (2007). Retrieved on 10/05/2007, from http://dnr.state.ak.us. Greenpeace, The Exxon Valdez oil spill fifteen years later. (2004) Retrieved on 10/22/2007, from greenpeace.org. Mini-Ponds. To investigate diversity in a pond water ecosystem. (2004). Retrieved on 10/15/2007, from science-class.net. University of Anchorage Alaska, (2007). Introductory Biology lab book, wet mount micro-slide. Pg. PE4. Wikipedia. (2004) Aquatic Organisms. Retrieved on 11/25/2007, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquatic_ecosystem. Research Papers on Pond Ecosystem ReportGenetic EngineeringBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Spring and AutumnDefinition of Export QuotasResearch Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of IndiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males
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