Saturday, August 31, 2019
Plantation Mistress Essay
In the book, â€Å"Plantation Mistress†(Clinton, 1984) by author Catherine Clinton, it seems that Clinton desires to express her disapproval for the manner in which women were treated so harshly. She talks about maids brought to our country during the year 1620 and in Clinton’s writing, it is extremely interesting how she gathered her information for this book from letters that were written so many years ago, and even from diaries, suggesting that women from that ancient time period weren’t treated as equals in the deep South and in this slave era and time in our history, the author relays to her readers that there is evidence that cruelty did take place toward women and practices such as using females as workhorses shouldn’t have been acceptable in any time period. Also, many of these women referred to as mistresses weren’t taken care of properly and didn’t even receive the necessary and basic essentials, such as proper toiletries or fo od. They were treated like second class citizens and weren’t considered as good as men.            We gather a new appreciation for maids as we read Clinton’s writing and feel regret for those who had to suffer because of neglect and misunderstanding. Clinton teaches us that all humans were created as equals and all women and the slaves from that same time period were regarded less than human.            It’s interesting to be able to read some of those old letters that were written so many years ago so that we have a greater appreciation for women who lived on these plantations in the deep South.                                              REFERENCE PAGE Clinton, Catherine. (1984). Plantation Mistress. Pantheon.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Addressing Inequality in the “Land of Opportunity”
The meaning or definition of what America is, was, or could become is the main subject that the two opposing voices relate in Langston Hughes’ poem Let America be America Again. Both voices acknowledge America is not the America that was envisioned by its founders/architects – i.e. a state built on the principles of freedom and equality, a land of opportunity for all. However, while the first voice simply calls for a recovery of the ideal America, the second voice, through articulations of the reality of social inequalities in America, argues for a reexamination of the said ideal, with the desired effect of making America  â€Å"The land that never has been yet–/And yet must be–the land where every man is free.†(lines 19-20) â€Å"Let America be America again†(line 1) , the first speaker begins. To him, America was a dream of dreamers, a â€Å"great strong land of love†(line 7), where â€Å"opportunity is real, and life is free/equality is in the air we breathe†. (line 13) He assertively states his notions of what America ought to be. However, he fails to identify what America has become instead. He also does not specify who the dreamers that dreamed America are, nor does he clarify who the â€Å"we†for whom equality. The choice of word â€Å"again†and the first speaker’s c onstant use of it suggest that to put America to its right direction, one needs to reacquaint the state to the glories it once had. However the assertion of the second speaker of America as the â€Å"never was†contrasts the difference of position of the two speakers. The second speaker contests the possibility that America had been the place where equality once reigned as he mumbles back to the first speaker that  â€Å"(There's never been equality for me/Nor freedom in this ‘homeland of the free.’) (lines 15-16) The disillusionment or discontentment in the tone of the second speaker who claims he is one of â€Å"the people†who built America challenges the first speaker’s idealization of America’s past. Also read: Was the American West a Land of Opportunity? The first speaker talks of freedom, equality for all but he/she could not even realize that there could be an opposition or challenge to his/her claims so he/she asks â€Å"Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? /And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?†(lines 17-18) when he/she hears mumbles as he/she spoke. The first speaker addresses the person as if their existence were hardly thought of as he/she talked about America’s past and future. The second voice introduces himself: â€Å"I am†as the first voice is unable to recognize the second voice, who represents disenfranchised classes in America, the very reason America is not his ideal America, shows the first speaker's position in the society he seeks altered: he is an observer, not immersed in the reality of inequality and selective granting of rights, which the second voice knows first-hand.  Further on, he states that he (they) originated the dream of America. He briefly details America's founders – immigrants all, seeking escape from serfdom in the Old World, desiring a â€Å"home of the free’. According to the second voice, as America was founded by immigrants, and its industries and agriculture were built and maintained by laborers, these members of American society have a historically-supported claim to the freedom and equality deprived of them. The second speaker calls for a collective action of the people to rebuild America to be a place for the people, the dreamers who could call it â€Å"the land of the free†and not just for the few privileged people. The contesting ideas of the two voices/speakers in the poem about America stress that America as a country, as a word and even as a symbol for freedom and equality is a space of struggle between those who have the luxury to contemplate an abstract America and those who are immersed with the reality of how oppressive America is to the working classes and the ones with racial distinctions. To one, America is the dream of vague dreamers meant for an unspecified mass. To the other, America is a state built by people wishing to escape oppression in their nations of origin. America could not just be painted in the perspective of one person and that discussion of freedom and equality could not be easily hoped for a country until one recognizes the problems faced by all sectors of the society.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Evil Hour in Columbia by Forrest Hylton Essay
Forrest Hylton in his book Evil Hour in Columbia, describes the historical background of Columbia in the context of the re installation of Alvaro Uribe as the president. He emphasizes how the current government has a nexus with the drug cartel. How the current government uses systematic displacement, murder and terror to further the interest of the drug interest group and capitalists interest. When Alvaro Uribe Velez became the president of Columbia on 7th August, 2002, the outlaws became powerful. Uribe’s father has suddenly found wealth, power and influence in the mid 1970s as a political broker. Uribe Sierra was connected to the influential family that joined the upwardly mobile contrabandists to form the infamous Medellin cartel. When he attended a meeting of the drug cartel at Napoles, he was removed from the post as a mayor of Medellin. When his father died in 1983 and left behind a huge debt Alvaro Uribe took charge. As the governor of Antioquia, between 1995 and 1996, formed close alliances with Pedro Juan Moreno Villa, the main importer of potassium permanganate a chemical important for the manufacture of cocaine. Forrest Hylton explores the conflicts that are currently harming Colombian lives, property, communities and region. Hylton shows a sense of hurry, a rush to convey how control, property and power have been appropriated by a few powerful persons who have used the weapons of terror, subjugation and financial depredation to maintain their position. Forrest Hylton systematically builds the case against Alvaro Uribe. He traces Uribe’s record as the governor of Antioquia. He is reputed to have supported the anti-guerilla militias who rendered homeless 200,000 peasants. In the banana export enclaves there was a spate of murders when he became the governor. The author’s plea reaches desperation when Alvaro is elected for the second term on May 28, 2006. The author is hurt by the jubilation of the US state and other allies at the election of Uribe. He feels an urgency to convey his apprehensions to the reader. It seems that Hylton is perturbed by the re election of Uribe because of the negative impact on the society and economy of Colombia. Hylton’s plea is well intentioned. He does not want the social struggles to continue, he does not want a state that supports the narcotic carte, he does not want to support the amalgam of the government and illegal perpetrators or crime nor does he want the exploitation of the majority of the people of Colombia. He is making a plea for an end to the exclusionary social fabric that is supported by the capitalist countries.  One of the reasons why Hylton makes a plea is that Colombia is a country where normal forms of confrontation and struggle are difficult. Trade unionism is perilous; in 2006 alone there were 70 deaths of trade unionists. A large number of workers who show opposition are killed. The killings of the worker leaders have been engineered by military and paramilitary forces. Capitalist’s interests are held culpable for dispossessing the Colombians of their land and property (Hylton 35). The modus operandi is to displace people from mining regions and appropriate their property. According to Hylton the effect of this domination on the economy is disastrous. Sixty four percent of the population lives below poverty line. A large proportion of the population cannot afford food, health requirements of the population are not met and employment is scarce. Health care and education is available only to the elite. On the other hand the US government depreciates the Columbian society for having a ‘tendency towards violence’. Hylton feels that such explanations are unjust as neither history supports such explanations nor does the behavior of people in neighboring countries give credence to these claims. The Columbian model Hylton feels has been adapted in Iraq and Afghanistan and may be adapted in different countries that use counter terrorism. Hylton chronicles his account from 1848 when there was popular political system and Colombia was one of the leading Atlantic democracies. He describes in great detail the century and half since then and the downturn from that point and the resistance against the negative forces. His book is a plea for a socially mindful political system, a documentation of the futile attempts to do so and the growth of officially backed narcotics alliance and its ‘paramilitaries’. Hylton is trying to draw the attention of the world on the brutal acts of repressions, the wasting of the Columbian agricultural system and the proliferation of coca for the production of cocaine. To sum, Hylton in his book Evil Hour in Columbia points out the social and economic frustration of Columbia with the election of Uribe. He feels that this will perpetrate a regime that is backed by and controlled by the drug lobby on one hand and the capitalists on the other hand. He points out that Uribe has a despicable past. In the past his government has caused displacement of peasants and murders. His installation as the president causes apprehension that Columbia is doomed to another period of exploitation, deprivation and poverty. Reference: Hylton, Forrest, Evil Hour in Colombia, Verso London and New York, 2006.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The research paper on the Vietnam War Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The on the Vietnam War - Research Paper Example The chief objective of this paper, however, is to analyse this historic war in relation to Martin Luther King’s seminal anti-war sermon â€Å"A Time To Break Silence†. While many tend to view the war as one that was ‘revolutionary’, King sought to critique the very underlying principle of war. At every level, he expressed his solidarity for those members of the clergy and the laity who critiqued the war and were sympathetic to the Vietnamese civilians. Though King’s speech is a clear articulation affirming the value of human life and liberty, my analysis would attempt to both analyse and question his perspective regarding the Vietnam War. King’s views regarding the land reforms that Ho Chi Minh had carried out during his tenure have been contested and attested by various thinkers. This paper shall try to incorporate these views into the body of the work and provide a balanced argument. The paper shall also look at the position of the poor peas ants in Vietnam who bore the brunt of the war. The land reforms in Vietnam, initiated as a means of the communist revolution in the nation was directed at the distribution of land among the peasants of the society and the displacement of the elite of the village that existed before the revolution. Through these, a new class would arise that would enable the birth of a free and noble nation, one that would be egalitarian in its principles. King’s concern for the rise of such a nation is partially a result of the Christian perspective of egalitarianism that he adopts in his speech as David Bromwich argues. He goes on to locate the root of king’s concern as the need for viewing the people of Vietnam as brothers, in an explicitly Christian manner, without the arrogance of the western man that king argues was responsible for the attitude of the people who wanted to recolonize Vietnam, namely the French and the Americans (Bromwich). This causes him to however, take up a stan ce that is heavily in favor of the Ho Chi Minh administration. In an effort to assert the importance of the Christian point of view, King belittles the importance of the forces of nationalism that were instrumental even in the resistance that the Vietnamese peasants offered to the occupying forces. King, in his speech gives a dominant position to religion. Even this position is not free of its own political implications. King imposes his beliefs while talking of a population that is hardly Christian in its beliefs. Even though King refers to a quotation by the Buddhist leaders of Vietnam, the passage that he chooses to include is one that has no religious overtones. Each day the war goes on the hatred increases in the heart of the Vietnamese and in the hearts of those of humanitarian instinct. The Americans are forcing even their friends into becoming their enemies. It is curious that the Americans, who calculate so carefully on the possibilities of military victory, do not realize that in the process they are incurring deep psychological and political defeat. The image of America will never again be the image of revolution, freedom, and democracy, but the image of violence and militarism. (King) This is characteristic even of the earlier proponents of colonization, whose methods and ideologies
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Judaism is, for Levinas, a religion for adults. What does he mean buy Essay
Judaism is, for Levinas, a religion for adults. What does he mean buy this - Essay Example Theodicy implies a vindication of the divine in spite of the manifestation and existence of wickedness; this concept of suffering has troubled many because they believe that it is a contradiction to be a good God and still let one’s creation suffer. Levinas explains that atheism would be the most obvious reaction to such a phenomenon, but this would be taking a simplistic path in understanding the matter (145). Persons who hold such a view may come to this resolution because they had a perception of God that is also simplistic; that is, of a creator who treats men like children. This God gives prizes to those who have been good and then punishes them for failing to play by the rules; in other words, he regards the human race as one with an infantile state of mind (Katz and Trout 144). However, if one were to conceive of God as a being that is more complex than the above assumption, then it is likely that one will be better able to understand the notion of suffering. Levinas adds that the God who is found in the Torah is one who hides his face in order to allow man to rely on his conscience in order to find him (145). He requires a responsible subject who would not need to depend on certain physical aids or manifestations in order to get to this level; this means, he would have to be mature. Levinas goes on to affirm that theodicy is actually not a fact but is really a product of mythic thinking that has been perpetuated over the years. When understanding such a monstrous act like the Holocaust, where 6 million Jews were killed, this scholar believes that people have to take responsibility for human behaviour. Trying to rely on theodicy to explain away these atrocious acts it to deflect human responsibility to a divine being, and this is what children would do (Katz and Trout 145). The God of the Torah is a God of adults because he requires man to
Monday, August 26, 2019
Aggressive Unilateralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Aggressive Unilateralism - Essay Example This essay stresses that the insistence of the US to open markets in the name of â€Å"fair trade†poses dangers to the world trading system, â€Å"for if everything becomes a question of fair trade, the only outcome will be to remove, altogether, the possibility of ever agreeing to a rule-oriented trading system†. The danger starts itself from imposing conditions of what constitutes free trade and yet, not giving other countries the right to define what fair trade is. â€Å"Fairness†is a value-laden concept and more qualitative, rather than say, the concept of efficiency, which is easier to define and can be easily quantified. Moreover, even the American pride in its market openness that it places before the world for emulation by other countries – cannot be absolutely used as standard, as every country is unique in its structural make-up that has bearing on its economy and trade practices. This report makes a conclusion that the international trading system not only operates under free-market assumptions but more importantly, its very purpose through inception of the WTO is to erect legally binding trade agreements that would apply to every member state. The policy of aggressive unilateralism as practiced by the United States makes use of brute political power that circumvents the legality of the global trading system. In slamming this policy as GATT/WTO-illegal, Bhagwati writes, â€Å"honoring a treaty commitment is to reaffirm one’s respects for orderly procedures and the rule of law in dealing with nation states†.
The Presidents of the United States Movie Review
The Presidents of the United States - Movie Review Example His entry in the office is in a period when the country is facing crisis over the question of expansion of slavery into new western territory. Southern extremists threaten succession if the rule is in favor of the Northern evolutionists. The passing Bills to link California as a free state with slavery measures favorable to the South does not please everyone; including President Taylor. He passes on from an inflation of the intestines (David). In 1991, his descendants gave a green light towards exhuming his body. Forensic analysis reveals no signs of foul play and determines cholera as the likely cause of death. His vice president assumes the presidency. He is Taylor’s opposite and a tool to balance the ticket geographically and politically. He is a Northerner, who aims to please and appease rather than lead. He reverses the policies of his predecessor by signing the compromise of 1850 into law, supporting slavery. He believes its abolishment will give rise to the collapsing of the southern economy; with slavery as an accelerator. He believes the constitution protects slavery issues. He hopes to please everyone for his support for the compromise but fails in 1852 presidential elections (David). A Northern Democrat with strong political ties to the South. He is a social and political butterfly. His election to the presidency is poor timing. He seems to be emotionally unstable after the loss of his only son in a train wreck shortly after his election. He is a troubled man who seeks the approval of others. His vice president William passes within two weeks after the inauguration. He defends slavery as an admitted right to favor Southerners (David). In 1854, he twisted arms to win passage of Kansas-Nebraska act. It repeals the ban on slavery and allows the people to make an informed choice concerning the issues. This result produces much blood shade, and the democrats drop him from the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24
Personal Statement Example I also scored grade B (b) in Mathematics and English as a second language and received an International General Certificate of Education of Secondary Education from the University of Cambridge International Examinations body. The British Council equally certified and qualified my International English Language Test results. As such, I have attained the required GPA and Test requirements from accredited bodies and hence my academic qualification to join your institution to pursue a B.A degree in Computer Science. Though I am an international student from Cyprus, I have efficient communication skills to study in a U.K university. I believe that joining your institution will offer me a great opportunity to advance my education in Computer Sciences and help me to achieve my career goals. I served in the military for two years and achieved advanced skills in military technology. Indeed, I designed a relational database for my camp that stores information about soldiers’ obligations and duties. The military training equally helped me to adopt a sense of discipline, objectivity, and innovativeness, which are significant in pursuing a B.A Degree in Computer Sciences. I also possess relevant experience from the part time job that I undertook at a local Computer shop where I solved technical problems, software and hard ware. The achievements, experience, and skills will enhance my capacity to advance my studies in computer science. I have a creative mind and adopt technological advancements in my endeavors. Furthermore, I have personal interests in sports like swimming, Ancient Greek, and Roman fights where I have trained for two years. I am sure that my participation in these sports and my commitment to community service will improve my physical and social life as well as promote the image of your respected institution. My debating and leadership skills will enable me to take leadership
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Japanese Music Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Japanese Music - Assignment Example The Japanese one is a vertical flute, and we taut an upper lip, a lower lip stays relaxed, so the instrument can produce fuller, brighter, and more "detailed" sounds, which the Western flute cant make because the lower lip is not relaxed. The laxity of the lower lip is of importance when different variations of pitch and timbre are produced. As for Elizabeth Reian Bennett, deceleration, elasticity of beat and pitch within a certain range, as well as the use of silence, breath, and articulation when playing the instrument are other crucial things to note the difference between two flutes. I think, the uniqueness of shakuhachi sound makes it desirable to take part in so many music genres. For example, aficionados of classical music will find some sophisticated and somewhat tangle features in shakuhachi sound while the lovers of jazz appreciate its rhythm and timbre. In my opinion, such music prefer adults rather than teenagers because among youngsters other types of modern music, such as pop, rap or electronics, are popular. But I am the teenager who have found wabi, sabi, and yugen in a piece of music that touched my
Friday, August 23, 2019
Doctor Faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Doctor Faustus - Essay Example Faustus. Marlowe warns the person who reads against such trade-offs, revealing in the doom of Dr. Faustus that an agreement with the devil can never harvest true rewards (Marlowe 6). Also, the book concerns the apprehension between science and magic. Dr. Faustus has all the skills and knowledge to identify the world completely as a human being can, but he opts to submerge himself in the mysterious arts of magic in the anticipations of learning more (Marlowe 12). The result of the play undoubtedly asserts Marlowe’s conviction that magic is a substandard to science and the accurate obscurities of the Christian life. Dr. Faustus’s main character mistake is that he wishes the boundaries of humanity and knowledge to be extended past what is logical (Marlowe 13). This play is a morality story on wanting more than what is offered to us. Through Dr. Faustus, the person who reads realises that they should be pleased with what is, instead of what they would want the world to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Scientific revolution Essay Example for Free
Scientific revolution Essay Between the years of 1550 to 1750, the Scientific Revolution encouraged new ideas and theories regarding life, humans, and the universe. The great thinkers of this period such as Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Bacon, and Decartes all challenged religion and philosophy when they delved into the world of science and logical thinking. Many topics like Nicolaus Copernicus’ heliocentric view of the universe not only challenged the church, but also altered the way people viewed God and their faith. As logical and rational thought started to spread, the use of mathematics to have a better understanding of things spread as well, resulting in new ideas and views of philosophy. The people soon began to grasp these concepts, which resulted in their questioning of the church and the way they viewed life. Before scientists began looking up into the sky for answers, the church had provided the people with the knowledge they needed. The Catholic Church had always taught and believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that all things such as the planets, moons, and suns revolved around us because God loved us so much that he made us the center of His universe. When Copernicus proposed his hypothesis: the idea that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe, the church decided that the theory was false and they rejected it. Even though they did this, it raised a few questions within the scientific community. Kepler, Brahe’s assistant, used part of Brahe’s work to mathematically prove Copernicus’ theory to be true. Others came forth with findings of their own that also supported Copernicus’ theory. One of these people was Galileo whose discoveries made Catholic believers question the doctrines of the church. The people wondered to what extent did their faith answer the questions of the universe. Sir Isaac Newton was able to combine the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo into one theory that allowed him to believe that you do not need religion to explain the things that happen on earth, you just need reason. This ultimately drove believers and supporters of the church to rethink their life and what it means to believe in the Catholic faith. As rational thinking became popular, so did new ideas and views about how people saw themselves and the way they lived their lives. More and more scientists and other people used the scientific method and mathematics to prove things for themselves. As their logical thinking increased, their previous concepts soon diminished. Things like the geocentric theory were proven wrong while law of the earth, like the law of gravity, were being proven true. Often, the church tried to write the scientists off as heretics because of their unorthodox beliefs and because it went against the church’s teachings. The scientists were so curious about the world and the universe around it that they didn’t stop; they kept making remarkable advances in the society that they lived in. The great scientific and mathematical thinkers of the Scientific Revolution inspired people to change their ways of life and their beliefs. The new view of the universe and its heliocentric nature shifted the faith of devout religious people away from the church. People were encouraged to learn mathematics and literature. Between the years of 1550 and 1750, old religious theories were slowly dismissed as new rational theories and philosophies became popular and reigned true.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Marx’s Theory of Alienation Essay Example for Free
Marx’s Theory of Alienation Essay Marx used the ‘theory of alienation†to expose what he claimed as a highly exploitative, unfair social relationship existing in a capitalist system which effectively divides society into two opposing groups. He argued that this unfair social relationship came into being because of the â€Å"concept of private property†which, according to him, refers to a situation where the means of production (such as factories and plants) are owned by private persons. This private ownership of the means of production gave birth to the two antagonistic social classes: â€Å"the property owners [or the capitalists] and the propertyless workers. †(Alienation, n.d.)            According to Marx, here lies the first alienation of the workers in a capitalist society. The capitalists own the means of production and the workers have only their labor to sell so that they could survive. Using the plants and factories at their disposal, the capitalists utilize the labor of the workers to enrich themselves by producing â€Å"surplus value†or profit. What worsens the situation for the workers is the fact that capitalists, in order to increase their profit or maximize their surplus value, are disposed to keep wages to the minimum, often barely enough for workers to live a humanely comfortable life. Needless to say, the lower the wages paid to workers, the greater the profit for the capitalists. (Alienation, n.d.) This led Marx to assert that under the capitalist system, the only way to go is for the workers to become poorer and for the capitalists to grow richer. He cited the fact that in capitalist societies, there is an ever increasing number â€Å"in the ‘working poor’ families who remain mired in poverty although every family member works, often more than one job †¦ [because] the wealth of the few depends on the poverty of the many.†(Introduction, n.d.) In other words, capitalism, according to Marx, was tailored so that capitalists who control the means of production should get rich and the workers, whose labor produce the coveted surplus value are shamelessly exploited.            Then the workers are alienated â€Å"from the activity of working†itself.  Marx claimed that workers in a capitalist society do not work because they want to, or enjoy what they do. Neither do they work to improve their lot nor to create a happier, more humane society. Rather, they work simply because they have to earn in order to live. In other words, Marx said that they are â€Å"forced†to work – implying that workers in a capitalist society are far from being happy individuals who have no control even over the course or objective of their labor. The decision rests solely on the capitalists who have already acquired control over their labor after paying for it. Since the only goal of capitalists is more profits, their only objective, therefore, is to utilize labor to gainful undertaking regardless of whether their enterprise benefits society or endangers it. Marx declared that â€Å"If greater profits can be made with weapons than with hula hoops, then that is where they will invest their capital.†In this context, workers who are anti-war are compelled to produce war materials. (Alienation, n.d.) Marx also suggested that in a capitalist society, people are alienated from one another. He argued that workers are not only â€Å"forced†to work under any conditions and for whatever purpose in order to survive they are also kept separate from one another, pitted against each other. This is because in their desire to live, they have to compete for work. In their craving for a comfortable life, they have to practically elbow each other out for better-paying jobs. It is not only workers who are being alienated from their fellow workers. Capitalists also turn against other capitalists in their quest for profit and power. Marx said that this never-ending competition for jobs and profits â€Å"favors the most ruthless, at other times the most opportunistic or well-connected.†In fact, Marx insinuated that this rat race which characterizes life in a capitalistic society is the start of the process of the dehumanization of man. Their failure to shape society according to their needs, their desires, and their concept of civilization, completes the process because this ability to create the kind of society that they want is what distinguishes man from the lower forms of animal.  (Introduction, n.d.) References Alienation. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment. Introduction. (n.d.). Order #32797436 attachment.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Exploring Alternative Filming Techniques
Exploring Alternative Filming Techniques Alice Boucher   Exploring alternative filming techniques in video for the production of short promotional clips with relation to food and advertising Mereki, R. (2016) EAT. Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2016). (Mereki, 2016) Abstract Below you will find a formal proposal consisting of my ideas and intentions for the production of the final major project commencing 2017. For this I plan on exploring different videoing styles and techniques, with the potential of being used for promotional adverts within the genre of food and still life. This FMP proposal will be submitted with a research file, this file will collate different aspects of research that I have started to explore, such as where I found my inspiration and influence, how I aim to incorporate it, techniques I could adapt and how I will approach my FMP. Project Description As mentioned above I have decided that I will dedicate my FMP to the exploration of video technique and production of short promotional videos for the use of advertising, the main theme for this will be following on with food in advertising and commercial food advertisements, this is something that I explored in my HND FMP, however I now aim to explore cinematography in depth rather than a combination of both video and stills, as I did previously. With the aim of this proposed FMP being commercial advertisements, I need to be well aware of the target markets and how I would pitch this, therefor this may mean I could be shooting other objects in regards to still life such as, products. Therefor this proposed FMP is to develop and research the use of cinematography in commercial advertising. At this point I have started to explore different reading on the subject of advertising and how it is done successfully with the citation of books such as, Burtenshaw, Ken, The Fundamentals of Creative Advertisingand Barry, Pete. The Advertising Concept Book: Think Now, Design Later: A Complete Guide to Creative Ideas, Strategies and Campaigns. New York: Thames Hudson, 2008.  Why do I want to shoot this? From typically shooting stills and my already existing qualifications and career up to this point being purely photography orientated, I have now chose to explore video and cinematography, the reason for this is because ideally I would like to work professionally and also specialize within an area of commercial advertising, therefore the FMP is a chance to practice and explore film and advertising fundamentals and techniques in preparation into a career, having briefly explored video in my HND FMP it gives me the option to expand from existing knowledge and previous work I have produced, in conclusion to this the FMP will be a personal, educational and professional body of work. How I could I shoot this? When shooting film there are several options that I need to consider and be aware of, such as shooting methods, equipment and also post-production. One of the important factors of this would be how I would like my end product to look initially? And where I would like this to be published? Thus being the consideration of target market, target audience, output and solutions. The equipment that I have considered and aim to use in the FMP will alternate between either the black magic 4K camera which is accessible via college or a DSLR capable of recording in high resolution, having previously shot with the 4K I am already aware of the basics on how to set up, control and shoot with the device however I have also decided to so more research on this documented in the research folder. An example of these considerations would be if I wanted my work to be viewed and a large cinema style screen as a sitting like a film opening, I should use the black magic 4K, this is because the camera shoots at ultra HD therefore will look much better on a larger screen, opposed to this if I want my work to be viewed on social media I should consider using a DSLR capable of shooting video, this would be because the file size and output would be a lot smaller for web use. Other Equipment Alternate equipment that I should also consider and have also researched for producing my FMP is a series of different accessories to accompany the camera to produce different video style and techniques, this is equipment such as dolling tracks, shoulder stabilizer, the possibility of a gimbal and also a selection of tripods, each of these mention will give my footage different aesthetics opposed to not using them. The reason that I plan to incorporate this equipment into my FMP research and shoots is so I have a broad range of equipment and techniques to explore, this will also enable different equipment experience when seeking a career. Shooting Methods When it comes to shooting video footage opposed to still, whilst the camera control and function may be the same but the methods are different, similar to photography the shooting methods are all dependent on the overall aesthetics. Due to being relatively new to shooting video I plan to dedicate a large proportion of my FMP to research and exploration, some techniques that are documented in my research file are methods such as stop motion, hyper stop motion, time lapse, match on action and pull focus. One of the techniques that I have already explored for this FMP proposal is stop motion conducting research into the likes of the production for Wallace and Grommit who use stop motion to and animation to produce films, stop motion is when you shoot several still images and put them in a sequence with little delay or loop to create the aspect of movement, below is my first attempt at producing stop motion with food to produce a recipe video, for this I used several techniques such as, Shooting the stop motion, editing in photoshop, adding animation and text to narrate the video, the contacts sheets from this can be found in my research file. Inspiration and influence for shooting film. Below you will find my main source of inspiration and influence into shooting film, each contains a brief reason as to what it is, why it influence me and a link to where it can be found for viewing, please not none of the work shown below is my own and will be reference in the reading list. The Comfy Duck This short video clip runs for approximately 9secs, combining bursts of short video and stills, I found this looking at different restaurants and photographers on instagram, this Is a promotional video for Lincolnshire based restaurant, unfortunately I am yet to find out who the videographer for this shoot was, however I am in touch with the stylist therefor I am hoping to get an insight. I love the whole aesthetic of this promo, all of the components e.g. the styling, the music, the clips all work together really well, this restaurant also sports really beautiful food photography too, for me this is the main inspiration and drive behind me wanting to explore film. Marks And Spencer Another series of adverts that are appreciated by the masses and that have become very iconic is those of Marks and Spencer, all of there adverts are beautifully produced, however its the seasonal Christmas adverts that really stand out to me, they have got such a magical feel to them that itd be hard not to like them, something that I would definitely like to aspire too. Pret A Manger Another short video that Is very current that I appreciate is this from Pret A Manger, its a short promo of a reveal of a new product, for this rather than actual video footage and recording, they have used stills to create a video e.g. stop motion, sometimes stop motion can look a little amateur but I think for this it works really Head Shot Productions Head Shot Productions are videographers and producers based in Moscow, the reason that I have decided to include these in my inspiration is because I think there actual shooting and technical ability is really strong, something that really stood out to me in this was the di erent transitions, the use of the pull focus, and the motion either used with a tracker or a gimble, either way they were all done with a subtle approach yet it looks great.   Magnum The reason that I have decided to look at the magnum advert isnt necessarily because I enjoy it or anything that I aim to, it is simply because this is a prime example of different conventions within video, such as the sexual objectification of women and the whole idea of phallic objectification and body forms. Areas of exploration and consideration: Above I have mentioned my project plan, areas I have explored, and other research and reading I can conduct on the subject matter as well as this I have made another list of research I have briefly explored but will do so more in the FMP such as considerations to objectivity, feminism, human needs, men and women, how men look at women, phallic, analytical, conventions, symbolism and audience consideration in film and advertising, a prime example of this is how women are depicted in film, one of the commercial ads that have become very famous for this is Cadbury Flakes, this became noticeably famous because of the use the chocolate being used as a phallic object, situated In a bath tub depicting the woman as having an orgasm, this apparently appeals to men and women alike and gave the Cadbury a selling point sex sells however a survey produced actually concluded that women react more negatively to this than men (Dahl, Sengupta, Vohs 2008). But what is it that makes sex sell? This is has a strong link to Maslows hierarchy of needs a theory of psychological review into the behavior of humans. This is an example of Maslows Hierarchy of needs, explored in depth in the research aspect of this proposal, but this basically is a review into the psychological aspects of humans, wants and needs to survive. Literature review and theory consideration Throughout the production of this research and proposal i have considered and selected specific readings and theory in relation to my FMP and subject area, now moving on from my initial proposal and plans to shoot film and driving this and future projects forward, I should also be aware of other literature and readings that will help develop my FMP, I will now create a literature review of the other research and readings I should consider and produce, these are split into three sections, overall film and technology, Sexual objectification, symbolisms and needs and also different creative marketing and advertising techniques, you will find a full report of reading and theory already researched and also future readings below with reasoning. Sexual objectification, symbolism and human needs in relation to media and advertising: This list of resources has helped me further my knowledge into sexual objectification and symbolism in the media and advertising as well as it linking to Maslow hierarchy of human needs, doing so has helped me conclude whether I will involve these aspects in my film productions and if so how I would involve this Reading List: A Test of Media Literacy Effects and Sexual Objectification in advertising A Test of Media Literacy Effects and Sexual Objectification in Advertising. Journal Of Current Issues Research In Advertising (CTC Press), 29(1), 81-92. The Medias Sexual Objectification of Women, Rape Myth Acceptance and Interpersonal Violence- The Medias Sexual Objectification of Women, Rape Myth Acceptance, and Interpersonal Violence. Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment Trauma, 24(5), 569-587. Examining the influence of different levels of sexual-stimuli intensity by gender on advertising effectiveness- Examining the influence of different levels of sexual-stimuli intensity by gender on advertising effectiveness. Journal Of Marketing Management, 30(7-8), 697-718. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema- White, M. C. (2007). From text to practice : rereading Laura Mulveys Visual pleasure and narrative cinema towards a different history of the feminist avant-garde. Female Desires Coward, R. (1996). Female desire: Womens sexuality today. London, United Kingdom: HarperCollins Publishers. Creative Advertising and Marketing Techniques As part of my FMP I have also decide that a substantial amount of research and reading should include that of different advertising and marketing techniques, the reason for this is because my final outcomes and also career prospects would be for advertising purposes therefor this would be an appropriate area to explore, this research could consist of anything from how to produce advertising context? How to make advertising contexts successful? Or something along the lines researching marketing techniques, included below is a reading list of the literature I plan to study commencing the FMP each of the should help me build up knowledge around advertising and marketing. Reading List Ogilvy on Advertising- Ogilvy, D. (1995). Ogilvy on advertising. London: Prion Books. How to Make It As An Advertising Creative- Veksner, S. (2010). How to make it as an advertising creative. London: Laurence King Publishing. The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising- Burtenshaw, K., Mahon, N., Barfoot, C. (2006). The fundamentals of creative advertising (fundamentals) (2nd ed.). Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA. The Advertising Concept Book- Barry, P. (2008). The advertising concept book: Think now, design later: A complete guide to creative ideas, strategies and campaigns. London: Thames Hudson. Filming and Editing Equipment and Technique- Upon the successful completion of my FMP something else that I should considered reading into other than Sexual Objectification in the Media, Advertising and Marketing is Filming and Editing Technique, whilst at this point I should have already produced research into filming techniques and also editing further literate readings and knowledge must be accustomed, below are the references to different readings which will take place, ranging from Journals, Books and Websites. Reading List Film Art: An Introduction- Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., Bordwell, P. D. (2007). Film art: An introduction (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill. How To Read a Film: The Art, Technology, Language, History and Theory of Film and Media- Monaco, J. (1977). How to read a film: The art, technology, language, history, and theory of film and media (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Edit DSLR Video- Incorporated, A. S. (2016, June 20). Edit DSLR video. Retrieved December 31, 2016, from Learn five editing basics in Premiere Pro- Incorporated, A. S. (2016, November 2). Learn five editing basics in premiere pro. Retrieved December 31, 2016, from Try basic video editing techniques Incorporated, A. S. (2016, November 2). Try basic video editing techniques. Retrieved December 31, 2016, from
Future of the U.S. Essay example -- Essays Papers
Future of the U.S. America has always been viewed as the richest and freest nation in the world. America has grown from thirteen self-governed states, to a nation with a strong central government of power and wealth. The change in society has allowed the U.S. to grow into what it is today. Without the change in views and the responsibility of the citizens the economy would have never grown to be strong and wealth. The nation is effected by many different variables. One variable effects the other. The nation was started and has progressed to where it is today, but with rises and downfalls in all areas of life from education and small families to economics and large businesses. America’s economy is the most successful economy the world has ever known. "So strong was the U.S. economy in the post-war period that we were able to muster our resources to embark upon the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe and also to design a peacetime economy in Japan"(1). By the end of the nineteenth century the US had passed all other countries in both agriculture and industrial output (history channel). America today is one of the leading markets for the entire world in agriculture and industry. America is mainly a free enterprise, therefore citizens are able to start their own businesses and have more job freedom than anywhere else in the world. It is for this one main reason that the economy has done so well in the US. For the Nation, employment in all industries is projected to increase by 27.2 million jobs, or 1.5 percent at an annual rate, in 1993-2005; it had increased at an annual rate of 2.0 percent in 1983-93(2). With a free enterprise private owners establish mo re wealth, sending the money back into the economy by spending money. Every c... ...ruary 1999, 3. Works Cited - Brown, Sherrrod. "America and the global economy: International trade and investment." Vital Speeches of the Day, 1 March 1998, 293-96. - Hill, Patrice. "Good times could roll to a halt in ’99." Insight on the News, 1 February 1999, 39. - "More homeless, more hungry," America, 30 January-6 February 1999, 3. - NCES, "NCES Fast Facts," National Center for Education Statistics NCES Fast Fact, 25 February 1999, (10 March 1999). - REIS, "Regional and State Projection of Economic Activity and Population to the year 2005," REIS Regional and State Projections of Economic Activity and Population to the year 2005, Originally published in the July, 1995 Survey of Current Business, (10 March 1999).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart †Finding Unoka in the Mirror :: Things Fall Apart Essays
Things Fall Apart – Finding Unoka in the Mirror I wish I could say that the character Okonkwo, in the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, is very similar to myself, but I would be lying. Okonkwo is filled with many admirable traits: drive, ambition, goals, and his ability to overcome through his constant productivity. Okonkwo had the determination to become a great man, and even with the odds against him, he succeeded. â€Å"With a father like Unoka, Okonkwo did not have the start in life which many young men had. He neither inherited a barn nor a title, or even a young wife. But in spite of these disadvantages, he had begun even in his father’s lifetime to lay the foundations of a prosperous future†(18). Most of his accomplishments were despite his father, whom Okonkwo loathed, but with whom I connected. In the novel, I relate more to Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, a much more laid back character. Like Unoka, I am in love with life, lazy, not worried about tomorrow, and deeply in debt. Unoka had a great appreciation for the moment. For instance, â€Å"he loved this season of the year, when the rains had stopped and the sun rose every morning with dazzling beauty. And it was not too hot either†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (5). Such a description makes me want to lay down drowsy in the grass and enjoy the beauty of the day, for as Unoka â€Å"loved it all†(5), I too love it all (5)! What I would give for another summer day to simply nap, sprawled on my stomach in the grass of my back yard, feeling the warmth of the sun and security of a newborn napping in its mother’s arms. How deeply do I love these moments of drowsiness and warmth nature supplies her children. I imagine Unoka had similar experiences through playing the flute. â€Å"He was very good on his flute, and his happiest moments were the two or three moons after the harvest when the village musicians brought down their instruments, hung above the fireplace. Unoka would play with them, his face beaming wit h blessedness and peace†(4). Unoka and I enjoy the simple things life has to offer. Perhaps this appreciation is rooted in our struggle against society, one which demands the focus of our lives to lie beyond the setting sun. However, there must come a day when you ask yourself, will I even be alive tomorrow?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Religious Confusion in Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya Essay
Religious Confusion in Bless Me, Ultima Only a few books dare to discuss the confusion surrounded by a religious awakening. In Bless Me, Ultima, Rudolfo Anaya, challenges standard religion and brings in differnet ideas through the perspective of a young and confused boy. At the end of his struggle to understand, the boy reaches the peace of mind he was seeking. Antonio, the young boy, wants answers to the questions that have been nagging at him since he was introduced to religious ideology. He does not understand why Ultima, a close elderly friend and a healer, can save his dying uncle from the curses of evil while the priest from El Puerto with his holy water and the power of God can not lift the curse from him. He wonders whether God really exists or if the â€Å"Cico's†story of the golden carp is true. Bless Me, Ultima, is a compelling story that deals with Antonio's family, beliefs, and dreams. Throughout the book Antonio is introduced to many new ideas. The first is the experiences he has with Ultima. Ultima is a healer who learned her techniques from an old wise man on the prairie. She is sometimes called a witch. This confuses Antonio because in his heart he knows Ultima represents good and not the evil she is sometimes blamed for. Antonio learns some of the ways of Ultima and begins to understand his surroundings. He knows the name of almost every plant and what medicinal uses each has.      The next exposure for Antonio is the myth of the golden carp. Antonio...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Financial Markets Test with Multiple Choice Questions Essay
Class Test 1 (Sample Items) Choose the most correct response. Record your answer on the mark sense sheet provided. Each answer is worth  ½ mark. QUESTION 1 All else equal, a binding price floor will cause less of a surplus if: (a)both supply and demand are inelastic (b)both supply and demand are elastic (c)supply is elastic, but demand is inelastic (d)supply is inelastic, but demand is elastic QUESTION 2 The figure shows the market for books before and after an excise tax is introduced. The tax on books is ________, buyers pay ______ of tax per book, and the governments tax revenue is ________ a week. (a) $0.40 a book; $0.40; $4 (b) $1.20 a book; $0.80; $128 (c) $0.80 a book; $1.20; $12 (d) $1.20 a book; $0.80; $12 QUESTION 3 If the minimum wage is set below the equilibrium wage rate, (a) a labour shortage occurs. (b) there is no change in the quantity of labour employed. (c) the short-run labour supply curve becomes more elastic. (d) a labour surplus occurs. QUESTION 4 If honey is measured on the vertical axis, and jam on the horizontal axis, the marginal rate of substitution: (a) is the rate at which the consumer has to give up honey if more jam is to be bought, given their relative prices. (b) is the rate at which the consumer has to give up jam if more honey is to be bought, given their relative prices. (c) is the rate at which the consumer is willing to give up honey in order to get more jam, and be as satisfied as he or she was before. (d) is the rate at which the consumer is willing to give up honey in order to get more jam and be better off than he or she was before. QUESTION 5 At the best affordable point: (a) the budget line intersects an indifference curve. (b) the marginal rate substitution of x for y is exactly equal to 1. (c) the marginal rate of substitution of x for y is equal to the relative price of x in terms of y (that is, ) (d) the difference between the marginal rate of substitution of x for y and the relative price of x is at a maximum. QUESTION 6 Stuart, who loves seafood, says, ‘I can’t really tell the difference between Sydney rock oysters and Pacific oysters. They taste equally delicious to me; I just buy a dozen of whichever is cheaper every week.’ In terms of marginal utility theory, Stuart thinks: (a) the marginal utility per dollar spent on Sydney rock oysters is equal to the marginal utility per dollar spent on Pacific oysters. (b) the marginal utility he gets from Sydney rock oysters is greater than that from Pacific oysters, but Pacific oysters are cheaper. (c) the marginal utility he gets from Pacific oysters is greater than that from Sydney rock oysters, but Sydney rock oysters are cheaper. (d) the marginal utility he gets from Sydney rock oysters is equal to that from Pacific oysters, and so whichever oyster has a lower price gives him a higher marginal utility per dollar spent. QUESTION 7 According to the marginal utility theory of consumer choice, rational consumers will spend their money with the aim of: (a) maximizing the total utility they get from their limited income. (b) maximizing the marginal utility they get from each good. (c) equalizing the marginal utility they get from different goods. (d) maximizing the amount they save out of their limited income. QUESTION 8 A firm’s production function refers to: (a) the maximum quantity of output that it can produce within a given period. (b) the maximum revenue it can earn from various levels of output. (c) the maximum output that can be produced from various quantities of inputs. (d) the minimum cost of producing various levels of output. QUESTION 9 When marginal cost is rising, average total cost: (a) will necessarily be rising. (b) will necessarily be falling. (c) may be rising or falling, depending on whether marginal cost is greater or less than average total cost. (d) may be rising or falling, depending on whether marginal cost is greater or less than average variable cost. QUESTION 10 Which of the following reflects the law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution? As we continually increase labour one unit at a time, (a) the addition to output will become larger, if capital is held constant. (b) the addition to output will become smaller, if capital is held constant. (c) larger reductions in capital will be required to keep output constant. (d) smaller reductions in capital will be required to keep output constant. (e) larger increases in labour will be required to keep output constant. QUESTION 11 The least cost technique of producing a given output occurs where the marginal rate of substitution of labour for capital equals the (a) ratio of the quantity of labour used relative to the quantity of capital used. (b) ratio of the price of labour to the price of capital. (c) minimum point on the isoquant line. (d) marginal cost of capital (e) ratio of the marginal cost of capital to the marginal cost of labour. QUESTION 12 A perfectly competitive firm’s supply curve is the upward-sloping part of its (a) average product curve, at all points above the point of minimum average variable cost. (b) marginal cost curve, at all points above the point of minimum average fixed cost. (c) marginal revenue curve, at all points above the point of minimum average revenue. (d) marginal revenue curve, at all points above the point of minimum average total cost. (e) marginal cost curve, at all points above the point of minimum average variable cost. QUESTION 13 For the monopolist facing a downward sloping demand, the marginal revenue never exceeds the price because (a) the producers of substitutes keep the price low. (b) the monopolist must lower the price in order to sell more during any given period of time. (c) the monopoly will be a large corporation with high fixed costs. (d) the monopoly must accept the marginal revenue set by the market as a whole. (e) the monopoly has low marginal cost relative to a competitive firm. QUESTION 14 The table gives the demand schedule for water bottled by Wanda’s Healthy Waters, a single-price monopoly. If the marginal cost is a constant $4 a bottle, Wanda’s will produce _______ a day and charge ____ a bottle. (a) 3 bottles; $7 (b) 4 bottles; $6 (c) 5 bottles; $5 (d) 1 bottle; $9 QUESTION 15 The table below gives the demand and supply schedule for biscuits. The government now levies a $3 tax on biscuit. As a result, the price of a packet of biscuits will increase to ____ and the tax revenue collected is ____. (a) $12; $160 a week (b) $12; $300 a week (c) $13; $160 a week (d) $13; $240 a week Price ($ per packet) Quantity demanded (packets / week) Quantity supplied (packets / week) QUESTION 16 Excess capacity in monopolistically competitive firms is described by the fact that (a) each firm faces a demand that is perfectly elastic. (b) each firms builds a huge plant. (c) the existence of slightly differentiated products serving almost the same purpose causes a waste of precious natural resources. (d) firms produce at an output that is less than the output associated with their minimum average total cost. (e) marginal cost is too high. QUESTION 17 When the economic profit is negative in an industry that is monopolistically competitive, then (a) firms will enter the industry and produce better products. (b) firms will exit the industry, and the demand will increase for the products of the firms that remain. (c) firms will exit the industry, and the demand will decrease for those firms that remain in the industry. (d) firms will enter the industry and the demand will become more elastic for those firms that were originally in the industry. (e) the industry will eventually disappear. QUESTION 18 If the electricity commission in Queensland practises perfect price discrimination: (a) its marginal cost curve and its demand curve are identical. (b) its marginal revenue curve and its demand curve are identical. (c) its marginal revenue curve lies below its demand curve. (d) its marginal revenue curve lies above its demand curve. (e) none of the above.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Effects of Bullying on Academic Achievement
THE EFFECT OF BULLYING ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF LEARNERS IN HIGH SCHOOLTHE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYBullying has become a challenge that numerous schools are battling with. Olweus (1995), noted that bullying happens at schools during times when a person is exposed over and over again to negative behaviour which can be either verbal or physical to one or more learners. Olweus also noted that a bullying relationship requires an inequality of strength or power over the other person. Dillon and Lash (2005) made a similar explanation about bullying, showing that bullying involves repeated aggressive behaviour being done by learners who have seem to have an advantage in terms strength over their victims. Providing a precise definition as to what bullying is can be a bit difficult because bullying has evolved and continues to evolve with the societal changes taking place in the society that we now live in. With the new developments in technology, it creates more platforms for bullying to also develop and change. Cyberbullying is bullying that uses technology such as emails or social media platforms to taint and ruin the reputation of a person (Wong, 2009). Research has shown that bullying does have a bad effect on the victim physically and socially. Learners fear being bullied so much so that they would rather stay at home (Vail, 1999). Therefore, if bullying causes learners to become absent then the effect it has on academic performance can be assessed through learners grades, tardiness and absenteeism. A study performed by (Glew, Fan, Katon, Rivara and Kenric, 2005) pointed out that victims and bullies were prone to having poor academic achievement than by-standers. There are also emotional effects that are caused by bullying, it causes so much stress for the victim that it ends up showing through physical symptoms, which then leads to the increase in absenteeism of the learner. Those physical effects of bullying experienced by learners or the victim of bullying along with other psychological issues caused by bullying leads to the poor academic performance. Canter (2005) confirms bullying is a present-day phenomenon in most schools in the United States and is said to affect over 70% of learners (as cited in Beaty & Alexyev, 2008). Several researchers, Borg (1999), Boulton & Underwood (1992) and Olweus (1993), assert learners that are victims of bullying have lasting emotional, academic, and behavioural problems (as cited in Whitted & Dupper, 2005, p.167). A recent study has shown that when learners are teased and bullied frequently the learners lose interest in school, and this then affects learners commitment and also their involvement in school activities (Mehta, Cornell, Fan, & Gregory, 2013).It has been reported by principals and teachers that when the school environment is seen as a negative place to be by the learners, it leads to poor school achievement (Cornell, Gregory, Huang, & Fan, 2013; Johnson & Stevens, 2006; Kon- ishi, Hymel, Zumbo, & Li, 2010; MacNeil, Prater, & Busch, 2009; Ripski & Gregory, 2009). Bradshaw et al. (2007) found that over 49% of learners said that they have been bullied, while over 70% of learners witnessed bullying. While boys bully their victims physically, girls bully their victims through gossip, spreading rumours, or excluding them from social groups (Peckham, 2007).The Statement of the Research ProblemBullying is a problem that affects all learners either as the person being bullied, the victim, or by-stander. Bullying can take many forms from verbal to physical assaults, threats, jokes or language, being mocked and criticized, to being insulted or given funny facial expressions. These factors work either individually or together in leading to a learners being bullied. Bullying has several impacts in the school and one those is the impact it has on academic achievement. For many years now evidence has shown that bullying does have a negative influence on a learners well-being. With so many learners experiencing the effects of being bullied, many schools in the province have decided to act on the problem. The effects of bullying within the school environment and persistent pressure from legislators and the community as a whole for an increase in the academic performance of learners, is a concern for school administrators, teachers and the parents. This research aims to investigate the link between bullying and the academic performance of learners.Research questions/HypothesesHow does bullying affect the academic performance of learners?Does bullying have an effect on the academic performance of learners?What are the forms of bullying that take place at the school?What are the effects of bullying on the victims, the bullies, by-standers and the school environment?What are the characteristics of a bully?Purpose of the StudyThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect that bullying has on the academic performance of learners' achievement in schools. The more we are informed about bullying in schools the better equipped the school and district will be and also the school leaders wil l be able to minimize the bullying from taking place and bring about changes that are positive to the schools, district and also the community. There is evidence that bullying is a serious problem for schools and this has been found in professional literature and the local setting. The goal of this study is to provide better understanding of the effects of bullying on the academic performance of learners in the school district.The Significance of the StudyBullying is a problem that affects many learners lives. Problems linked with bullying have grown over time due to the increased access to technology and social media allowing more opportunities of cyberbullying (Patechin ; Hinduja,2006).Bullying is complicated and is linked to cultural, social, family and personal aspects of our lives (Pepler et al.,2006). This study attempts to reveal the nature of the relationship between bullying and academic achievement with the use of multiple regression technique and examine whether academic performance levels can be predicted by the frequency of bullying in a given school district. This study is aimed to at helping the district and the schools to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the frequency of bullying in a school and learners academic performance.Definition of Key TermsAcademic performance: The extent to which a student , teacher or an institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.Bully: A person who intentionally causes harm to another person whetBullying: Repeated aggressive verbal or physical behaviour with the intention of harming or hurting another person. This happens frequently and involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim.By-stander: A person who sees the act of bullying taking place.Learner: A person who is learning a skill or subjectVictim: A learner who is harassed by another learner or a group of learners two, three or more learners leading to suffering physical or psychological harm.Delimitation of the StudyThe study only includes incidents that were reported in the school distri ct and will be based only on high schools in Bloemfontein. Participation in this study will be delimited to Grade 10 learners and their teachers. The amount of unreported bullying is beyond the scope of this study. Bullying might affect other variables but for this study only academic achievement will be measured.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Effects of Government Bailout of General Motors as Viewed by Two Contrasting Government Control Views
Legal Environment of Business Legal Environment of Law – Paper 1, Spring 2009 â€Å"Effects of government bailout of General Motors as viewed by two contrasting government control views†Summary This report is based on the notes I took listening to a debate I overheard from two of the presenters, Jurgis and Equality, at a business seminar I attended. The topic of the debate was the need for the government to provide more assistance to General Motors, who already received stimulus payments but due to the economic recession, is still in peril. Jurgis had the socialistic view that the more government involvement and influence the better. Jurgis believed that employers, working conditions, and the positions themselves should be regulated by the government. Equality had an opposing view of capitalism, and the need to limit the involvement of the government and let the economy work itself out. Equality felt there was enough support for the employees without need for any more mandated by the government. In conclusion I agree with many of the aspects Equality presented. General Motors was already given assistance; they need to be given the chance and motivation to try to rescue themselves. In history it’s been proven that the economy will right itself, government involvement has a tendency to make the situation worse. While attending a business seminar on the impacts of further oil shale development in the United States, I became fascinated with two contrary presenters. Jurgis promoted the thought that we need more laws and government control to protect us from ourselves. Equality had a laissez-faire view of government involvement. Equality felt that the government should have limited power and control over the people and marketplace. After the seminar I noticed Jurgis and Equality having a conversation and decided to tag along and listen to their conversation. Jurgis and Equality were discussing the government bailout of General Motors and the proposal for additional money needed; since the first extension period is almost up and the first disbursement of funds did little to help General Motors. Due to the economic recession people have stopped buying new cars and General Motors has not yet sold their December production. Jurgis argued that the government must intervene to protect employee’s jobs and welfare by instituting more laws and regulations to protect the workers as well as providing economic subsidies. Jurgis said that if General Motors should be allowed to fail then the loss of jobs will pit man against man, something Jurgis knows about. â€Å"In Russia, there were rich men who owned everything†[ (Sinclair, p. 13) ] Jurgis argues that without regulation and control with regard to the employee than the conditions he suffered through in Russia will return. I remembered from my business law class that before unions and regulation, â€Å"Workers, often women and sometimes children, worked 60 to 70 hours per week and sometimes more, standing at assembly lines in suffocating, dimly lit factories, performing monotonous yet dangerous work with heavy machine ry†[ (Samuelson, p. 403) ], we do need some form of workplace regulation. Equality disputed the need for increased government help and regulation, every man should work to achieve for himself, not the common good. Equality said that he was once told â€Å"Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past†¦ but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against them, they abandoned their ideas, as all men must†[ (Rand, p. 73) ], this kind of mentality only suppresses the people, it doesn’t help them. He doesn’t want to return to a society that has no respect for individualism, only what benefits the whole. Equality fears that if we allow the government some control over General Motors, its workers, and operation, then eventually more and more control will be given until every aspect of life and even death is controlled. Jurgis told Equality about the working conditions and life he had lived because there was no regulation, no union to represent and bargain for the worker. Jurgis explained how his wife had gotten a job for a packer, and the woman she replaced was let go only because she was sick, not due to performance. Someone must look out for the workers, and the government has a responsibility to be this regulator. I remember from my business law book a story of miners working conditions â€Å"Temperatures in the mines were well over 100 degrees. Miners drank more than three gallons of water every day. Some suddenly collapsed†¦ Within minutes they were dead, but even before they died, their places in the mine were taken by other workers desperate for pay. †This was when unions developed to protect and fight for the workers. Equality said the people should be allowed to prosper or fail on their own, let General Motors control its own fate. For every amount of power that is given to the government, there is a corresponding loss of personal freedom and in the case of General Motors, economic success. And if the government keeps bailing out General Motors and other companies, what are we telling these companies? General Motors was already given a disbursement to aid their financial situation; if they chose to misuse this bailout then maybe they deserve to fail. Equality said that â€Å"There is nothing to take a man’s freedom away from him, save other men. To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. That is freedom. This and nothing else. †[ (Rand, p. 101) ] Each man must have the ability to provide for themselves, even if it is in competition and at the cost of another man. As I listened to Jurgis and Equality debate, I remembered that under statute 9 of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 â€Å"†¦ the union will represent all the designated employees, regardless of whether a particular worker wants to be represented. †[ (Samuelson, p. 407) ]. Equality argues that each person should be responsible for him or herself and have the right to choose if, when, who, or how they should be represented. But Jurgis said that some workers may not realize that they need representation, or work in bad or illegal conditions. This is the case with child labor, laws are needed to limit child labor, and someone must also represent them. The government should not only provide the money needed to keep General Motors going, but also increase its oversight of the company making sure that the employees are taken care of. Jurgis told Equality that there are people that are above the law like the man that made his wife Ona bend to his wishes at the threat of her family. When Jurgis found out about this and confronted and assaulted the man, Jurgis was the one that was hauled off and given an unfair trial. Jurgis had to spend 30 days in jail, and his family paid the price. As far as Jurgis is concerned this type of power and wealth needs to be controlled by the government to make sure that every man has value and a say in his life. There are so many workers for General Motors that the government must help it keep going to keep these workers employed, safe, and able to live. Equality told Jurgis of a similar, but opposing story from his life. From birth he was told what he was, how he would live and even die. You were assigned an occupation, there was no occupational protection provided; you did as the government told you until you were no longer valuable to society. When you were deemed worthless you reported to house of the dying to live out the few remaining moments of your life. â€Å"We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for our brothers who are the State. Amen. †[ (Rand, p. 20) ] This was the only prayer aloud. Jurgis argued that we need a society and government based on socialism, that it’s the responsibility of the majority to look after its people. By giving General Motors the aid they require in return for some control over the company, its operations, and employees, we would move toward socialism. Jurgis felt that he owed his life to socialism, and that it was the answer to any problem he faced or had endured. Equality on the other hand continued to argue that the government needed to be controlled and that society needed to be based on capitalism. As power was given to the government little by little, its overall control over society grew until it was the controller. Equality argues this point with bailout and help of General Motors. By giving aid the government in turn acquires power over the company, its share holders, and employees themselves. In conclusion I agree that extended help in the form of funds may not be the best way to help General Motors. Since this aid comes with strings attached, the government does indeed move to the socialist schema. As described in the video on the American form of government [ (http://www. imp. com/thegovernment/, 2008) ] the state of government is always moving to a monarchy or oligarchy. Any move away from a system based on a republic ideology always ends with an oligarchy. But this is a continuing cycle, as seen in a rudimentary way in Anthem. General Motors has already had some assistance, now it should be left alone. There are enough current laws and government involvements to make s ure that the employees are at the least, treated fairly. Though some may end up temporarily unemployed ore are pushed to find a different type of work, these people will make it. Should General Motors fail, another company will step into its shoes and fill the void. There is too much need for their products for them to simply disappear. Bibliography http://www. wimp. com/thegovernment/. (2008). Retrieved from http://www. wimp. com/thegovernment/: http://www. wimp. com/thegovernment/ Rand, A. (1995). Anthem. New York, NY: SIGNET. Samuelson, B. (2008). Legal Environment, Third Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Sinclair, U. (2004). The Jungle. New York, NY: Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Pros and Cons on Death Penalty Essay
Ms. Pat Johnson ENG-099 Pros and Cons of Assisted Suicide: Argument Essay When death is knocking at your door, do you answer or ignore the call? Unfortunately, some people answer the call willingly. Euthanasia is painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. All motives are compassionate for a patient, whether the killing is by a direct action, such as a lethal injection, or by failing to perform an action necessary to maintain life. The euthanasia movement started in l935 in Britain, in l938 in the U S A, and in l980 in Canada (catholicapologetics). Opinion polls show average support of 60 percent in the USA, 74 percent in Canada, and 80 percent in Britain (catholicapologetics). Many people disagree that death is a decision upon GOD but, why make a person suffer more pain being alive? Today, many people are against euthanasia because; they feel that it is murder. This is because there are certain cons of euthanasia that compel them to think this way. Firstly, medical science has made great advancements in the recent years. There is almost always a cure available for a disease. So euthanasia should not be kept as a viable option. One of the other cons of euthanasia is that sometimes there is pressure from family members who want to induce death for their own gains. The doctor may get influenced by the ideas that are put forward by them. In that case it becomes very difficult to decide whether euthanasia was completely necessary or was influenced by the family members. Sometimes even medical science cannot predict with certainty the fate of a patient. In such cases, euthanasia would mean snatching away the chances of a patient’s survival. There are many cases where mercy killing has often been misused. To prevent such manhandling euthanasia should be prohibited. Something that concerns the life of a person should not be left in the open for people to play around with.
Choose any two of the following questions and submit a report on your Essay
Choose any two of the following questions and submit a report on your findings with special reference to G20 summit - Essay Example Some of the drivers that positively influence globalization include the growth of industrialization in other countries of the world which reduces costs, tariff and working capital. Decreasing government trade barriers have increased foreign direct investments much faster than the world outputs (Suk, Seung and Kenneth 2006). For these reasons major corporations are engaged in expansionary activities to outsource their operations abroad. For example Ford is an American based company. It is one of the big three motor companies in the US and used to be the source of livelihood for a significant portion of the US population. However, with the increase in global financing opportunities, Ford has diversified its products to sell its motor vehicles in Europe and Asia. As Europe has opened its consumer markets to the world Ford has capitalized on the ready market to sell its completely assembled cars in collaboration with local companies. However, as the global finance environment in parts of Asia improved and opened up to Western investors, Ford has gradually shifted production of automobiles in low cost country like in China. Investment in China not only reduces cost of operations and productions Global financing has thus become an important source for world trade and incentive for foreign investment as it allows multinational companies to increase shareholders wealth. However, there are risks associated with global investing. Unlike local investment, global investment is subject to political, financial and regulatory risks. In countries where political turmoil is apparent like those in France, India, China and Indonesia, investment in these countries pose great threats to exchange controls, confiscation of assets and changing corporate policies. Similarly, financial risks include the fluctuating exchange rates, tax laws, interest rates and inflation rates as well as balance of payments. Legal risks like differences in legal system, overlapping jurisdiction and
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Judicial Precedents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Judicial Precedents - Essay Example However, this is not binding on cases of Federal Courts, or by Courts of other States or country. The principle of stare decisis can be split into two parts. The first is the rule that a decision made by a higher court is a binding precedent, which a lower court cannot overrule. The second dictum is that a court should not upset its own precedents unless there is valid reason to do so. This needs to be motivated by principles from similar and lower courts. Under English legal system, judges are not justified to make their own decisions about the development, or interpretations of law. They may, or may not be held by a ruling made in a previous case. Two facts are important in finding out whether a precedent is binding: One of the main disadvantages of the use of precedents is that there is no mental exercise on the part of judiciary and it may not do the best brand of justice that could be rendered in a specific case. When a jury takes a decision based on previous case ruling, it has not exercised its own discretionary and discriminative powers, and, in a way has just copied its predecessor by way of issue of legal judgment. Whether there are sufficient reasons to believe that both the cases are similar for a common ruling is another matter, to be tried by the Court of Appeal or any other competent legal body. Precedent has a very important role in the common law. It ensures firmness, uniformity, logical sequence and expansion of the law. At the same time, it can be rigid and complex - what is "the law" on a subject may be very difficult to find or to state as it is often spread across many cases with varying degrees of intricacies. The law is also easier to find and state and is rationally prospective rather than based on the chance event of litigation, which may give rise to laws based on extreme or unusual situations, or erratically argued cases. Precedent is dependent upon written record of cases: Precede means that the judges have to place before consideration before granting verdict, the full accounts of the case history and other relating matters to the subject. Therefore, it could be argued that, in the absence of such matters and documents, the order of precedent may not be established. The second dictum is that a court should not upset its own precedents therefore, records are a sine quo non, which must be present to enforce legal pronouncements. Necessary documentary evidence may be needed before precedents could be established. Before the concept of precedent lays down previous similar decision, it
Monday, August 12, 2019
Persuasion against Capital Punishment Research Paper
Persuasion against Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example The death penalty or capital punishment presents American society with a myriad of contradictions, which is the terrain of unresolved tensions characterizes the 'moment of terror' (Haney 2005, p. 3). It is declared as a sensitive issue which is prioritized on the human rights agenda and has been declared as the most inhumane act practiced by most of the civilized nations. Research suggests that it is already abolished by 106 countries of which 30 are those that have abolished since the last two decades (Human Rights, 2009). The concern that arises here is that why so many countries including the United States have swallowed the truth that long-term imprisonment is better than execution. However, there are nations that still believe the effectiveness of death penalty that is proliferated and practiced in many countries throughout the world among which China, Japan, Middle Eastern nations along with the United States are the most prolific executioners in the world. Being a significa nt subject of controversy, this paper discusses the anti-death penalty stance by debating on the execution consequences that often left a dubious mark on the personalities of the innocent after being executed and in this manner, many innocents not only lose their lives but are also labeled as offenders. The death penalty, for many Americans, offers discrimination between minorities and the socially deprived and violates the right of the offender to survive. Pro-capitalists claim that penalty is the tantamount justification for offenders that by proving the principle of retribution, are liable to acquire death instead of imprisonment. However, there are other aspects that are often overlooked while determining the legitimacy of capital punishment. These issues pertain to racial prejudice while raising the concern over the failure of history to justify innocent execution.  Â
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The Role of Islamic Law in the Management of Formal and Informal Research Paper
The Role of Islamic Law in the Management of Formal and Informal Organizations in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example As the paper declares Saudi Arabia is ran as an Islamic Theocracy and the Quran is the basis of the countrys constitution. The country is governed by stringent Islamic law which defines every aspect of the lives of people in the Kingdom. Since Saudi Arabia was meant to be Islamic from the onset, it has rules that strictly bind both the Muslims and non-Muslims of the country. Commentators like the Human Rights Watch have criticized Saudi Arabia for using Islamic Law in a compulsory manner that sometimes causes some degree of discrimination to non-Muslims in the Kingdom. This essay outlines that although proponents like Fouad argue that the universal application of Sharia in Saudi Arabia supports to bring benefits and stability to the country, there are some human rights issues that can be raised. First of all, the law focuses more on the Muslims since they are designed with the practicing Muslim in mind (Jones). Hence, there is a limitation on the individual rights of non-Muslims. The research will include an assessment of the different frameworks and concepts that regulate the conduct of business. The study will be conducted by the critical review of secondary sources. These sources will include books, journals and other relevant materials that define
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Leadership Styles Of Director Of Social Services Dissertation - 1
Leadership Styles Of Director Of Social Services - Dissertation Example In 2011, the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics confirmed this, further adding that there is a crisis of leadership in nursing home practice because employment for care professionals in these institutions are often equated with low prestige, leading to inadequate supply of professionals capable of meeting the demands of nursing home residents (Tolson, et al., p. 185). This trend is unfortunate because studies demonstrate that knowledgeable and effective leaders are critical in addressing challenges in the operation of a healthcare establishment such as those related to organizational culture and structure (Grabowski et al., (2010). There is an increase in scholarly attention with respect to the relationship between leadership style and the quality of nursing care, but empirical studies are still in their infancy. This theme is, of course, comprehensively covered in other fields, particularly in business and healthcare industry. However, there is an imperative for specificity. Effective social services administration calls for a model or a standard leadership framework that would lead to the identification of managerial abilities, strategies, and behavior that positively impacts the incidence and quality of organizational/institutional outcomes. So the question of interest involves whether leadership style(s) positively impacts the well-being of nursing home residents. Research indicates that substantive control by the administrative leader on the care, quality, and services have the significant impact on the psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents (Allen, 2008). Success in nursing home care depends on the performance of the management team.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Ethics - Case Study Example ethics of the professional standards which permits her to prevent bias, undue influence and conflict of interests of others to override business judgments or professionals. The stakeholders that will be affected by the unethical decision which may arise following the request made by Mr. Rashid, the managing director, includes the customers, the investors, the business partners and shareholders. The stakeholders deserve to be told the truth pertaining to the performance of the business (Amat & Gowthorpe, 2013). This can only be done if the correct, honest and accurate figures are recorded. Maryam Mohammed should refer the managing director to relevant regulations and laws that are against such an action. She should tell Mr. Rashid that the action is against the code of ethics in the accountant profession (Amat & Gowthorpe, 2013). She has a professional obligation of ensuring that honesty and accuracy is done and she should not be involved in actions that discredit her profession. Maryam should be able to report the unethical issue to the company’s audit and financial committee or her supervisor at the place of work. A professional accountant has an obligation of preventing undue influence, conflict of interest as well as bias of others to override business judgment or profession (Amat & Gowthorpe, 2013). She should do follow up to ensure that the Managing director is punished. Ethics can be defined as the discipline that deals with what is bad or good and with moral obligations and duty. Accounting is the process that involves describing the business processes in numbers. The bookkeeping numbers of a company’s accounting records should be accurate and honest in order to be considered ethical. Ethical dilemmas in accounting entail a supervisor directing a subordinate to interfere with the actual financial figures. Accuracy and honesty are the ethical issues in accountings. Accountants as well as bookkeepers have an obligation of ensuring information is
Molecular identity of nkcc cotransporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Molecular identity of nkcc cotransporter - Essay Example This property is of special significance to the project as the emphasis of research is on the NKCC1 member, one that is known to have two isoforms – NKCC1a and NKCC1b. Of these NKCC1b is also known to be found in brain RNA (Gamba, 2005). It is noted here, though, that the two isoforms of the NKCC1 cotransporter is found only in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) as per research of Cutler and Cramb, 2002. Nevertheless, there is ample evidence that NKCC1, in human and other mammalian species, is functionally implicated in CNS cells. It is observed by Gamba, 2005, that the NKCC1 cotransporter is activated by receptors and assists in neurotransmission by driving anions into the cell. It is also observed by Strange et al, 2000, that the work of the NKCC1 cotransporter complements that of the KCC2 one. The choice of the culture medium, the neuronal-specific CAD cell line, and the somewhat CNS-specific NKCC1 dovetails perfectly for a research attempt that seeks to establish new fac ts on the molecular identity and other expression patterns of these unique electroneutral cotransporters in cells of the central nervous system (CNS). G. Gamba’s excellent 2005 review article on these cotransporters has been extensively used in this paper because it is the most comprehensive document prepared to date being inclusive of all aspects described so far. RT-PCR analysis was carried out on the murine neuronal cell line CAD on both differentiated and undifferentiated cells. Isolated RNA from both differentiated and undifferentiated cells was used. Annealing temperatures used were at C - C at 40 cycles for a maximum of one minute. Primers 10bp in length were used with a gc content above 50%, as recommended (Ribicki, 2001). Upon gel electrophoresis of all the products it was revealed that a ~286 bp bit, exactly as long as the PCR insert, was apparent in all the gels for both differentiated and undifferentiated cells at all PCR
Thursday, August 8, 2019
A research strategy for a topic of security risk analysis Essay
A research strategy for a topic of security risk analysis - Essay Example The researcher states that it is necessary to understand the importance of conducting quantitative research within the information security field to become familiar with the challenges one faces when addressing an issue in question. Besides, to have a clear picture of the challenges in quantitative research methods, a research strategy must be evaluated to determine the pros and cons related to sampling, validity, reliability, and bias during a study. In fact, the evaluation of each criterion within a hypothetical study will include the use of online survey research to collect data from participants without the need for additional investment in hardcopy materials and travel expenses. Therefore, to become familiar with the challenges of quantitative research using an online research methodology, the sampling, validity, reliability, and bias will be analyzed by selecting a strategy to conduct a hypothetical study on security risk management. This will determine the viability of the onl ine survey strategy in the information security field. The viability of the online survey methodology will depend on internal and external factors during the process of research management. Before selecting and implementing a research method during an information security study, it is necessary to understand the research question and then define the hypothesis to determine the direction of the research. The direction of the research will be determined by the topic under investigation, thus establishing a clear strategy to obtain the necessary data needed to complete the study. As disclosed by Cook and Cook (2008), the research design will be based on the research question, so that the study will be able to answer the main hypothesis. Then the data gathering must be elaborated on using quantitative research methods based on the variables illustrated in the hypothesis. Indeed, using quantitative research methods will allow the researcher to present the results of the data collected us ing statistical displays to make a correlation between the dependent and independent variables being studied. Before the selection of a research methodology, internal and external validity must be considered before adopting an instrument. Nevertheless, before making a final decision on the preferred instrument, well-defined research questions must be formulated. The research questions must be related to the main hypothesis to acquire the best results and to illustrate the importance of quantitative research within the topic being studied. The research questions must address the purpose of the data to be collected corresponding to all independent variables to understand the behavior of the dependent variable. For this reason, if a study titled â€Å"Security controls as a tool of security risk management in business revenue†will be conducted to understand the reliability of security controls in protecting business revenue, the research question will be â€Å"Are security con trols reliable in protecting the business revenue†. The dependent variable is business revenue and the independent variable is reliability of security controls. The research hypothesis is that security controls are reliable for protecting business revenue. This will give a direction to the research. Indeed, the development of an instrument and the implementation of a research method will be based on the research questions to be asked to the targeted population to acquire a
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